Nanami x Reader (S)

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Nanami x Fem! Reader
Fingering, Choking, Domination, Virgin Reader, Praise Kink, Sub Drop

You had been dating for a few weeks. It was nice, him coming over and keeping you company when he could. You had met through work, he was a sorcerer but you were just a receptionist. You had the ability to see but never had to strength or power to ever do anything with it.

He was coming over tonight, you had cleaned and readied everything ages ago. You were just waiting on the couch for him to arrive. Your stomach did flips, excited to watch the movie you had planned. You two hadn't taken it anywhere aside from hugging and a little kiss here and there. The idea of taking it further left butterflies on your skin.

A sharp knock at the door had you bouncing off the couch, a smile immediately plastering your face. You borderline ran towards the door, opening it quickly. The second you laid eyes on him your smile dropped a little. He looked...angry.

"H-hi, how was-" you were cut off by him grabbing your face, his lips meeting yours. You had given each other small kisses but this felt different. This felt way more sexual. He pulled away, a frown still on his face.

"I'm tired" he stated simply, causing a frown to settle on your face. You guys had planned to cook, but you figured he didn't want to. Maybe takeout?

"Oh, that's fine. We can order takeout" his grip loosened on your face, reaching up to run through his hair. He made his way to the couch, settling down with a sigh. He sat comfortably, legs spread, head thrown back. His forearms were exposed, displaying the veins that ran up them. Holy mother of god he looked hot.

Your face had turned pink, the tips of your ears getting hot. It was hard to ignore sometimes, just how beautiful he was. You couldn't deny that he made you feel a very specific way. You swallowed hard, cursing how loud it was. His head looked to the side, turning to look at you.

"Why are you so red" His question felt loaded, almost like he knew exactly why. Yours hands flew up, touching the warmth of your cheeks.

"M-must be a bit warm in here" you laughed, stomach flipping at the lie. You were actually cold, your PJ's not offering much warmth.

He bummed in response, his hand softly tapping his thigh, the gaze through his glasses feeling expectant. He was tapping his lap as if you were a pet he was trying to coax to him.

It took you a second to push aside the jelly feeling that had grown in your body, marching yourself towards the couch. You stopped just shy of him, unsure of wether you should sit on his lap. Instead you tried to change to topic, bringing it back to a lighter and easier mood.

"So, any thoughts on dinner? I'm happy to eat whatever you-"

In an instant you were pulled forward, stumbling the rest of the way to him. He pulled you into his lap with ease, you knees resting on either side of his hips. You blinked, eyes flicking down to properly asses the position you were in.

", d-dinner. Maybe Chinese food?" Your heart was pounding, trying to focus on something that wasn't the very compromising position you had found yourself in.

He didn't respond, instead he gripped your hips, softly massaging them as he stared at you. His eyes were covered by his glasses, you could see your reflection in them. Your eyes were wide, face bright red, lips were parted slightly.

He sat like that for a moment, staring directly at you. The gaze left you feeling hot and fuzzy, a slight ache building in you. You were lost for words, unable to find anything to say. You had a small feeling you knew where this was going, and the idea made you almost giddy.

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