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The battle will be lost if you stop fighting.

-Excerpt of recovered correspondence of Lieutenant Xaden Riorson; beneficiary unknown.

Tirvainne's marked ones gathered at Duke Lindell's estate on the last Friday of every month. Lindell revelled in the brutality of war and orchestrated these blood-soaked spectacles, inviting rogues from all corners to bet on who would cheat death for another month.

For Xaden Riorson, these battle nights were a desperate bid to prepare the kids of the rebellion for the harsh realities awaiting them at Basgiath War College.

As Liam secured Thana's wrist wrap, tension hung heavy in the air. "Snap her neck, Thana" Roman Halt muttered as he shoved his way closer to the action.

When she stepped onto the mat, Thana noticed the slight tremor in Imogen's hand. Despite her modest combat skills, Thana still stood poised for victory honed by years of her father's training to become a rider. She tuned out the clamour of the encircling crowd and zeroed in on her opponent.

Duke Lindell's shrill voice interrupted the heckles of the crowd, "Care to make this a little more interesting?" Amongst the marked ones, you could hear a pin drop.

"How about you, Riorson?" Lindell suggested.

Xaden looked up to where Lindell stood in the gallery. His face did not give away any hint of emotion. He gave a curt nod and stepped up to the mat, removing his jacket and handing it to Liam. "Good luck," Liam whispered.

Liam had grown up with Thana and knew that she was more than capable of taking on Xaden. On all accounts her father was a King's Guard. As Liam observed Luthen Arcassian's rigorous training sessions in his father's chambers, he couldn't help but wonder whether such intense focus on hand-to-hand combat was truly necessary for the simple task of maintaining vigil outside the estate. In any case, Thana was as lethal a weapon as any you could find in the King's Armoury and Liam didn't envy Xaden one bit.

Xaden took his starting stance. "And, Riorson," the Duke called, "give us a show." Xaden bowed his head to the Duke as his heinous friends cackled in the gallery alongside him.

Thana's unwavering gaze unnerved him. He felt like he was in the ring with a viper and she was ready to strike at any moment.


Xaden was lucky to walk away with a few broken ribs. If she was trying to impress the Duke, she did a damn good job. "Like father, like daughter," was all he said before he departed with his entourage.

Garrick was quick to reset Thana's dislocated shoulder. A wave of relief accompanied the sharp jolt of pain. He fashioned a makeshift sling from his jacket, offering her some measure of comfort.

She always thought he'd have made a great healer. But, his destiny was fixed in the same way that hers was. "Thanks," she said, as the room spun around her.

"Same time next month?" Xaden mused from behind Garrick. A faint smile tugged at his lips.

"Don't you go to Basgiath in a fortnight?" she asked. All lightness drained from his face, as he slumped against the nearby pillar.

"Promise you'll write to me," she forced a smile. He held her good hand in his and squeezed it lightly. "I promise," he replied.

"Promise me you'll keep training," he said, running his thumb over the scars on her knuckles. "Of course," she replied.

"Good," he smiled.

"And, thank you," she said. His brows knitted together as he looked down at her. "Thank you for teaching me everything my Dad didn't have time to," she explained.

Xaden knelt down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, his gaze lingering on hers."I have a lot more to teach you," he smiled.

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