My top 10 of Eurovision (from 2019 -2024)

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It has changed, my main reason for writing this is to gush about Mimicat.

This will be songs from 2019- 2024 because I have the CD from those years. Warning: 2019, I was not a fan, I was a casual viewer. From then on my obsession has risen.

I did the average amount of songs between all the years (39). Who would be your personal winner from this Eurovision?
1) Ai Coracso by Mimicat (Portugal 2023) - I rewatched the performance and it was better than I remembered. They used everything at there disposal, without any props and carried it out perfectly. There is so much you can focus on, you notice something new with every watch, but it's not overwhelming as a whole. The dancers, the lights, her charisma and the song together make probably my favorite Eurovision song of all time!
2) Fai Rumore by Diodate (Italy 2020) - what sold this fully to me was his performance in 2021 and the Italian crowd singing at the top of their lungs. It was so emotional and -despite the lyrics not matching- it felt like an anthem about the pain suffered through covid!
3) Zitti e bueni by Maneskin (Italy 2021) - this is what opened my eyes and made me realise I loved rock. Before I had tried to ignore the fact I enjoyed those songs because it clashes with who I am and what I like in every other aspect of life. The performance was epic, the way they built the tension and the music felt fresh and live. It felt like they were making music to make a statement, it meant more than winning or money, it felt like it was their passion.
Top 5
4) Ulveham by Gate ( Norway 2024) - I don't know if recency affect is coming in here but it is folk rock and that is kind of two of my favorite genre's mixed (all that is missing is a ballad part to create my ultimate genre). The volktale part really convonced me as well. One of my favorite literary genre's (because I feel like my culture is represented in them) and so well done Norway. It's in Norwegian! The sraging is amazing!
5) La Noia by Angalina Mango (Italy 2024) - Again this might be recency affect at play again. I love this song. It feels so fresh and international. The quality of this is amazing. The meaning of the lyrics boosts this up so high. The whole package comes together for me and I just love this song.
Top 10
6) Mon Amour by Slimane (France 2024) - once again it could be so high because of recency. I love French ballads. They add the emotion and culture so well. This takes the emotion up a notch. He conveys his feelings so well, and I am a really emotional and empathetic person and I really enjoyed him taking me on that journey with him! His vocals are the best I think I've seen in years. For me this is way more impressive than opera singing.
7) Voila by Barbara Pravi (France 2021) - again, the French ballads! This has more meaningful lyrics than Mon amour but his emotion and vocals add a layer of depth making it feel fresh and not like another love song. In terms of structure of song and possibly staging this song is better. I was hypnotized by this song on the night and I still am!
8) Spirit in the sky by Keinno (Norway 2019) - the first song not fully in a national language but the part that is in a national language is amazing. It gives the song the folk feel it needs! The vocals from the other two are so satisfying. This is just so iconic as well and Monument should have really gone to Eurovision!
9) Sentimental by Monica Lui (Lithuania 2022) - can we all agree that thus was robbed???!!! Her charisma and the weird but pleasant song (that felt like it was transporting us back in time a bit). My favorite from 2022 which is saying something because there were some amazing songs that year.
10) Shum by Go_A (Ukraine 2021) - It's chaotic and I love it. The change in tempo and her monotone delivery with he eccentric clothes! I love the cultural inspiration for this!
Top 15
11) Aija by Sudden Lights (Latvia 2023) - the result of an all televote semi is that this doesn't qualify and Latvia doesn't end their non- qualification streak! This was amazing, the use of the lulaby genre was very creative and risky but I loved it. It created a claming and relaxing atmosphere. I love how the song took me on a journey!
12) Scream by Sergey Lazerev (Russia 2019) - I mean he's just a pro isn't he?! The performance and staging were magnificent. The drama of the song was of an intensity we rearly see in Eurovision. It told the story of pain and determination perfectly.
13) De diepte by S10 (Netherlands 2022) - the emotion and simplicity of thus made it so beautiful. The Dutch language is so beautiful!
14) Slomo by Chanel (Spain 2022) - her stamina is impressive. To be able to sing that while doing all of that dancing! I love regeaton! She is part of the few Eurovision entrants whose other songs I listen too, although many others are above, I listen to hers most regularly!
15) Space Man by Sam Ryder (Uk 2022) - it pains me to put this so low but I have to be honest with myself. It is the first song I would class under mainstream pop although I feel more like it is a ballad pop which is played less and less on the radios! This song means so much to me as a British Eurovision fan. I was crying and screaming when the results were announced. I love all his other songs, his Christmas song was playing on the loop throughout the festive season!
Top 20
16) Grito by Iolanda (Portugal 2024)- the melody really takes you along, the staging with the white clothes and the dancer representing her emotions. The lyrics meaning. The way the title is never said but a scream is still featured in the song. I fear that this will be robbed and not make it to the final. For me this is a masterpiece! I love it!
17) Bridges by Alika (Estonia 2023) - on a similar note, the lyrics to this are so moving and (for me) relatable. I love a powerful ballad with great vocals. This is just that. Any song that takes me on a journey of emotions is immediately a favorite!
18) soldi by Mahmood (Italy 2019)- this feels so modern, yet soooo original! Pop never feels unique, but this does! The lyrics are brilliant, the story of a child whose father only wants money is moving and I feel as if he is keeping down emotions the whole song, emotions that he also manages to convay to us.
19) Zorra by Nebulossa (Spain 2024)- this is so fun. The backing music is sooooo good. What really sells this to me is the lyrics though! They are so empowering. Not only do they give such an important message but they are so singable. I love watching their performances so far because the Spanish crowds sing so loudly. Every time this song comes on I sing.
20) On fire by the Roop (Lithuania 2020) - I like this song ,not because of the performance but because of the lyrics and the structure of the song. It is so good. You can have it in the background or listen intently. Either way, it is pleasant and astounds me with it's genius!
Bottom 6 of my top of all time:
21) Hold me closer by Cornelia Jakobs (Sweden 2022)- the again the emotion, she makes a pop ballad feel fresh, raw, real amd unique. One of the most deserving Swedish entries of the praise it got!
22) Uno by Little Big (Russia 2020) - this is not only hilarious but also a bop. I love most of their songs! The use of Spanish numbers makes me laugh and so do the innuendos. This is the highest funny song for me.
23) Europapa by Joost Klein- how could I put this above cha cha cha??? The lyrics feel more meaningful, yet also relatable. I think this song has my Dutch friend to thank for it's success with me. I loved it before but she ultimately boosted it above Kaarija for me! Don't worry, Kaarija only just got pushed out of my top 39!😭
24) Blood and Glitter by Lord of the lost (Germany 2023)- they were robbed! Sooo badly. This was great! I finally felt represented by Germany! Something new and fresh! Unique! I love rock!
25) Veronika by Raiven (Slovenia 2024) - I love the atmosphere it creates! The lyrics are brilliant! I love history and writing about the first witch burnt in Slovenia is genius! The only problem, I'm not a fan of the nakedness.
26) Soarele si luna by Pasha Paverli (Moldova 2022)- this invites you into their culture and I'm grateful for the opportunity. This is amazing. I love folk and this leans so much into that genre!
The top 7 of the non qualifiers in my top of Eurovision:
27) 11:11 by Megara (San Marino 2024)- rock! Spanish rock! 😁😁😁. I really like the phrase, "if you don't like us, other people will!"
28) Fulenn by  (France 2021)- first of all, new language allert! The Breton in this really elevated the song, together with the engaging performance and how well their voices sounded together. I love the message about connecting women to the devil being stupid (that's how I interpreted the lyrics).
29) Jezebel by the Rasmus (Finland, 2022)- rock. I just really like rock.
30) Yes by Ben and Tan (Denmark 2020) - I think this reflects love in a brilliant way! I love the mix of genre's and their voices are beautiful.
31)Solovey by Go-A (Ukraine, 2020) - Basically the same reason as Shum.
32) Respondez- moi by Gjons tears- this is emotional and his voice is powerful!
33) She got me by Luca Hanni (Switzerland, 2019) - this is fun and extremely catchy!
I don't hate any of these songs. I love every single one as favorites!
Also, can you tell I'm loosing my will to write!
Bottom 7 of the non qualifiers:
34) Break a Broken Heart by Andrew Lambrou (Cyprus, 2023) - his vocal are impressive and the song is extremely catchy!
35) Replay by Tamta (Cyprus, 2019) - It's catchy!
36) My sisters crown by Vesna (Czechia, 2023) - the mix of styles and display of slavic language and culture is amazing!
37) Eaea by Blanka Paloma (Spain, 2023) - this is an amazing showcase of the Spanish culture. Although, Zorra seems to be closer to their music taste! This feels like a piece of art!
38) Carpe Diem by Joker out (Slovenia, 2023)- so much fun! National language!
29) Queen of Kings by Alessandra (Norway, 2023)- catchy and powerful!

I just realised most of you have just read the bold parts and not bothered with the rest.

My favorite countries:
Italy: 4
Norway: 3
France: 3
Spain: 3
Portugal: 2
Lithuania: 2
Ukraine: 2
Russia: 2
Netherlands: 2
Slovenia: 2
Switzerland: 2
Cyprus 2
Latvia: 1
Uk: 1
Estonia: 1
Sweden: 1
Germany: 1
Moldova: 1
San Marino: 1
Finland: 1
Denmark: 1
Czechia: 1

Best years:
2023: 10
2024: 8
2022: 7
2020: 6
2019: 5
2021: 3

What is your ranking for countries and years???

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