Chapter 18

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"Escape Velocity"

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"Escape Velocity"


As we returned to the penthouse, a chilling atmosphere greeted me, the silent vigil of the guards casting a palpable sense of apprehension in the air. Their steely gazes bore into me, more like glaring at me.

Taehyung seized my arm and forcefully ushered me inside the house and dragged me into my room, the door closing behind us with a resounding thud, I couldn't shake the feeling of being ensnared in a web of my own making.

As our eyes locked in an unspoken battle of wills, a tremor of apprehension rippled through me, causing my throat to tighten.

With a forced nonchalance, I folded my arms and moved about the room, every movement deliberate yet betraying the unease coursing through my veins.

Taehyung's intense gaze followed my every move, his scrutiny weighing heavily upon me like a suffocating blanket.

As I reached for the nightclothes in the closet, a shiver ran down my spine, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end in anticipation.

Turning around, I braced myself to retreat into the sanctuary of the bathroom, only to have my motion halted by a firm hand on my arm.

My heart leaped into my throat as Taehyung stepped into the bathroom, his presence overwhelming in the confined space.

A surge of panic swept over me as I recoiled instinctively, my voice trembling as I cried out, "Don't be crazy, get out!" as the walls of the bathroom felt like they were closing in on me.

The nightclothes slipped from my trembling grasp as Taehyung closed the distance between us, his approach relentless and predatory.

With each step backward, my heart pounded in my chest, the sound of my own pulse drowning out the world around me.

A sharp intake of breath escaped my lips as my back met the cold surface of the glass shower door, sending a shiver down my spine.

As we stood mere inches apart, the air crackled with tension, every breath laden with unspoken words and unspoken desires.

This man had a penchant for invading personal space, always closing the gap between us until there was no room for escape.

He began to speak, his tone laced with anger, "Do you have any idea how dangerous your little stunt was?"

I inquired, "How so?"

Taehyung's tone drips with exasperation as he rebuffs my apparent obliviousness.

"Do not be so naive," he snaps, his irritation thinly veiled. "My enemies lurk beyond these walls, and your presence puts me at risk of their machinations."

With a smirk playing on my lips, I can't help but think, "Well, that's your problem to deal with, Mr. Kim."

"If only he had given me a few more minutes with my phone, maybe I wouldn't have had to resort to this little stunt." I added.

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