Chapter 21

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"Captivated Temptation"

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"Captivated Temptation"


The sharp sting of a punch against my jaw jolts me out of my reverie, flooding my mouth with the metallic tang of blood.

"That was hardly a punch, you could've dodged it, dude," Carlo taunts, his voice dripping with cockiness.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself," I retort, rubbing my sore jaw.

"Four," he declares, his frown deepening as he repeats himself, his frustration palpable.

"Four times I've struck you today." He dodges my clumsy punch effortlessly, his annoyance evident.

"Where does your mind wander, Taehyung?" he demands, landing another blow before I can react. "Only your mouth can provide the answer."

The crack of knuckles meeting jaw snaps me out of my thoughts, metallic bitterness flooding my senses.

"That was feeble, Tae. You could've seen it coming," Carlo's voice drips with smugness.

"Don't flatter yourself," I shoot back, massaging my throbbing jaw.

Today I arrive here seeking distraction, I find myself ensnared by a captivating beauty.

Meanwhile, Carlo's cocky remarks serve as a reminder that my mind is elsewhere.

Since Sienna entered my life, distraction has become a constant companion, haunting me not just today, but every day.

She's like a forbidden fruit, tempting me to keep her all to myself, yet the specter of inevitable destruction looms large, casting a shadow over our connection and making her all the more rare and desirable.

Her eyes, like smoldering embers, seem perpetually ablaze, fueling the fire within her each day.

The mere thought of her gaze fixated on me, brimming with desire, ignites a thrill, while I was pleasing her, makes my cock twitch with desire.

I descended from the ring, shedding my gloves as Carlo trailed behind. Without addressing the matter further, he deftly changed the subject.

"Hyeon called to inquire about Sienna's whereabouts," I acknowledged with a hum, but a sudden question arose within me.

"Did you know about Sienna's upcoming marriage?" Carlo looked genuinely surprised before responding,

"Sienna is getting married?" His reaction confirmed our ignorance on the matter. I rolled my eyes in frustration before bidding him goodbye and exiting the room.

Upon reaching the house, an eerie silence greeted me once again. It had been days since our last interaction, days filled with the absence of her voice, whether in conversation with Clara or in heated exchanges with the guards.

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