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As soon as y/n heard the first resounding beep, she slammed her fist down onto the alarm's off button.

"Oh. My God!" The girl winced with wide eyes, trying to massage the pain out of her hand. It had become somewhat of a "morning ritual" for y/n to wake, then hurt her hand whilst trying to shut her alarm clock off.

She groggily sat up in her bed and grabbed her glasses from the bedside table with a heavy sigh. Because the weekend was over, and it was Monday...once again.

"Dear! Are you up?" Her Aunt Sandara called from downstairs. She lived in a nice house with her fragile Aunt Sandara and her Uncle Micheal, who is now a slimmed down version of his former bulky self that he was back in his 20's.

"Yeah! I'll be down in a sec!" Y/n replied, her voice still deep and raspy from having just woken up. Soon after, she lazily pushed herself up from bed and slowly made her way over to her bedroom door with a slight wobble in her step.

As she was reaching over to the metal doorknob, she paused with a hesitant withdrawal of her pale hand. She took a glance at her window and saw the girl that invaded her mind 90% of the time, Jennie Kim. The smaller brunette was sitting near her window, at her desk, simply eating cereal. Even with the casual setting, y/n felt as if she could admire Jennie's beauty from right there, all day long. Because in Y/n's eyes, Jennie has always been the definition of true and utter beauty.

"Dear! Breakfast is ready!" Her Aunt Sandara yelled once again from downstairs, snapping Y/n out of her trance. Y/n finally turned the doorknob with a quickened pace and headed downstairs to where her Aunt and Uncle were probably enjoying their freshly cooked breakfast. And when she made it to the kitchen, she saw her Aunt Sandara and Uncle Micheal, sitting at the table. She smiled listening to them whilst they argued over Micheal "working too much."

"I feel like you barely get a break. Sometimes they make you work from 4:00 AM to 12:00 PM for God's sake," Aunt Sanadara stated in an annoyed tone. Because Micheal had been working in the same office for years without a decrease of work hours. But he'd never mind because it had always been enough to take care of his wife. And now he has Y/n, so he'd never mind the work hours. Before Micheal could respond, Y/n decided to finally make her presence known.

"Morning," Y/n greeted as she finally took a seat at the table. The creak of the wooden floors and the slight wobble in the chairs had never bothered Y/n. Because she had grown so accustomed to the edges of living that she never minded the smallest inconveniences.


Once Y/n had finished eating the breakfast that her Aunt cooked, she placed her dirty plate in the sink.

"Alright, time for me to go to work. Have a good day at school, dear." Her Uncle said while pulling his niece in for a warm hug.

"See ya later," Y/n replied letting go of her Uncle's embrace before heading upstairs to get ready for school.

When she got to her room, she changed her clothes and headed into the bathroom in order to freshen up. Because Y/n had always felt insecure, but ever more so in the early mornings.

'Woah, Y/n, you look like a mess' Y/n thought when she saw herself in the mirror for the first time that morning.

Once the she finished brushing her teeth and freshening up, she grabbed her book bag that was lazily leaning against her window. She glanced up and saw a beautiful Jennie standing in her own room, checking her outfit in the mirror. Y/n just stood and admired Jennie's beauty from the window with slightly parted lips. Because seeing Jennie always seemed to take her breath away.

But she was abruptly brought out of her trance when she noticed Jennie walking towards the window of her own bedroom. And before she knew it, the brunette glanced up, obviously noticing Y/n checking her out through the window. Y/n felt her heart quicken its beat when her eyes met the brown of Jennie's. Her brain was instantly sending thoughts that she needed to either play it off, or run away.

But before she could move, she was caught by surprise when Jennie simply sent a sweet smile along with a wave. Then, the smaller girl placed her book bag on her shoulders and left for school.

The small gesture from Jennie sent waves of excitement rushing through Y/n as she jumped around her room yelling "She waved!" And it was only then that she quickly picked up her book bag, realizing that she was going to be late for school if she didn't leave.

She flew down the staircase while strapping her book bag loosely onto one shoulder, jumping over the last four steps. And once her feet landed on the firm floor, she thought, "Ow! Why'd I do that!" Clearly being hurt by the jump, she limped over to her Aunt in order to say a quick goodbye.

"See ya, Auntie," Y/n waved, quickly leaving a peck on her Aunt's cheek before rushing to the front door.

The adrenaline made her hands shake as she fumbled with the doorknob. Still only one book bag strap hanging loose on her shoulder, she clicked the button to unlock her car, nearly tripping just to get inside of the vehicle. She placed her book bag on the passenger seat with an unsteady heartbeat.

Book bag, check. Homework, check. Phone, check. Car keys, check. Ready to go. And without another thought, she sped off to school.

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