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Everything else in the world seemed irrelevant as y/n sat at the bottom of the staircase with puffy red eyes. The policeman was telling her Aunt everything they knew about the murder and other stuff--not that y/n could hear them though.

Everything came in one ear and flew out the other for y/n. She checked the time, 2:23 PM. If it was a normal day, she'd be just now leaving school, ready to go home to her beloved Uncle Micheal and Aunt Sandara.

But it wasn't an ordinary day. This was a completely different picture from the one that y/n usually had drawn out. The picture usually involves her, her Aunt, her Uncle, and Jennie. But now, her Uncle was metaphorically erased out of the perfect metaphorical picture.


As Jennie drove home from school, her brows her quick to furrow with worry across her hardened features upon seeing two police cars parked outside of the Parker household.

Is y/n okay? Are Micheal and Sandara okay?

The brunette shoved through the front door of her own house and ran upstairs. As soon as she got to her room, she opened her window and looked through, anxiously searching for the other girl. But she soon brought her window back down with disappointment and ran to the Y/l/n's doorstep when she didn't see y/n in her room, anxiety coursing through her.

Just mind your own business, Jennie.

Her lips formed a tight lip as her fingers twitched towards the doorbell. But her eyes flickered with determination as she finally decided to ring the Parker's doorbell.


Relatives of Y/n's Aunt and Uncle came flooding through the front door--all being very caring to both y/n and her Aunt. But having to tell family members about the whole situation was absolute torture. Y/n watched as her own voice drowned in the tears of her father's siblings.

And as soon as she heard another resounding knock on that wooden door, she went up to her bedroom. Because she wasn't sure if she could handle having to tell yet another family member about the loss of Micheal Parker.

She ran into her room and shut her bedroom door, prompting a silent crack to form once the door fully shut with a bang. Glancing out the window, she noticed that Jennie's car was home, which meant Jennie is home. She opened her window, searching for the other girl in the room across the street.

Maybe she could make me happier.

Y/n slowly closed her window with a downcast sigh, realizing that Jennie wasn't in her room. She was still having trouble coming to terms with the fact that her Uncle is gone.

But her thoughts were soon snapped when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. And she couldn't help but roll her eyes. Because she just wanted to be alone.

With an audible groan, she opened her door. And her confusion hardly had time to settle because she was instantly pulled into a bone crushing hug. And when the smell of vanilla as well as the strained voice of a certain brunette graced Y/n's ears, she felt a slight tug at her heart.

"Your Aunt told me everything, Y/n. I'm so sorry," Jennie mumbled into Y/n's shoulder as she tightened her grip around the taller girl's waist. "Your Uncle is in a better place now."

And the warmth in Jennie's touch was enough to make the lump in Y/n's throat dissolve. When the brunette's arms further tightened their hold around Y/n's waist, Y/n couldn't help but allow herself to melt into the brunette's embrace.

"Yeah," Y/n mutter out in a low whisper, closing her eyes for a moment to take in the feeling of a hug with Jennie Kim. And although Y/n's next disconsolate words gingerly tugged at her heart, Jennie's presence brought a sense of tranquility that Y/n desperately needed. "I just know he's gonna do great up there."

There was a small moment where the two girls took the silence for benevolence. Both of their lips curved upwards into two faint yet irresistible smiles. And the sound of Y/n's soft and comforting voice entering Jennie's ears only made Jennie's smile grow wider.

"You're still beautiful," the girl stated. Making Jennie laugh, pink flushing her cheeks.

"You're still super sweet," the smaller girl replied, prompting both Y/n and Jennie to laugh lightly.

"Can we still go out later cause I was really looking forward to that?" Y/n asked halfheartedly, a small chuckle escaping Jennie's lips.

"Really?" Jennie asked, looking up at the girl with an adorably hopeful look in her glistening brown eyes.

Neither girl had to say yes or no, both already knowing that they both still have to go. Jennie let her eyes drift over to the window in a quick glance before she took a heavy breath in, along with a roll of her eyes. Y/n followed Jennie's gaze and saw the smaller girl's parents parking their car into the garage.

"I gotta go," Jennie whispered with a hint of sadness in her voice as she pulled away from the hug, her index finger mindlessly drawing random shapes on Y/n's chest.

"I'll walk you to the door," Y/n held her bedroom door open for Jennie. They both walked downstairs, noticing all the policemen were now leaving.

"Bye," Jennie whispered to Y/n as they both stood under the doorframe. Y/n bit down on her bottom lip as she stared at the girl in front of her. Because those plump lips of her's were right there.

But she just couldn't find the guts to lean in.

"Bye," Y/n flashed a sweet smile along with an awkward wave while she watched the brunette walk away.

She closed the the door with a deep breath in, followed by a deep breath out. Her head lolled back for a brief moment as her heart swelled from picturing the moment that she had just shared with Jennie. She gently pressed her forehead against the now closed door with a content sigh before she turned around, laughing when she saw her Aunt Sandara flashing a thumbs up.

She went up to her room, snapping back to reality as she opened her closet and saw her Spider-Man outfit.

"Hey, Spidey. When ya gonna tell the girl of your dreams that you exist," Y/n whispered to herself, her shoulders dropping at the situation at hand.

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