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Y/n slammed her fist down onto her alarm, winced in the voluntary pain that she receives once ever morning, grabbed her glasses, and stood up. Her feet touched the wooden floor in heavy steps as she walked over to her bedroom door, reached over to the doorknob, and looked over to Jennie through the window.

Y/n's feet drug along as she walked down the stairs in order to meet her Aunt and Uncle for breakfast. And after y/n had finished eating, her Uncle Micheal gave her a warm hug goodbye before heading off to work; so far, it had been the same as every morning.

She lazily made her way back up the stairs and into her bedroom, her arms comically drooping by her sides. It was only when y/n noticed Jennie frantically waving at her through the window that her eyes widened, shocking her out of her sleepiness.

Y/n stopped all of her actions and glanced over to Jennie with a confused furrow of her brows dawning her features. Once her eyes met with Jennie's brown, y/n could somewhat make out the sound of Jennie's voice yell, "Open your window!" Y/n outstretched her hand and opened her window, the wooden frame creaking and stuttering as y/n struggled to open the glass coverage.

"Hi" y/n yelled over, still somewhat confused as to why Jennie was trying so vehemently just to get her attention.


Y/n waited a small moment for Jennie to say more, because after all, Jennie was the one that called her. But when the air remained distilled, y/n awkwardly shifted her focus to anywhere but Jennie, and spoke up.

"Did you-um-need something?" Y/n stuttered out, hoping that it didn't come across as rude in Jennie's ears. Because Y/n had never been particularly good at words in her entire life, and allowing that to mess things up with Jennie would be unacceptable.

"Oh, yeah! Could you maybe-uh..." Jennie voice trailed off into nothing as the brunette paused to think. Which only made y/n even more befuddled because, as far as y/n was concerned, there hadn't been anything that the Jennie Kim had ever needed from her in the past.

"Could you-um-maybe take me to school this morning? My car is out of gas!" Jennie quickly added, but something in the brunette's quickened voice told y/n that her car wasn't really out of gas. But, because there was absolutely no possibility of Jennie ever wanting a ride from her for no particular reason, y/n opted for believing in Jennie's slightly obvious lie.

"I mean, you don't have to! But I just, I don't know," Jennie muttered, shifting her brown eyed gaze downward. Y/n couldn't help but let a soft laugh escape her lips at how nervous Jennie seemed. Because of course y/n would drive Jennie to school.

"I can drive you to school. If you really want me to." Y/n shrugged, prompting a happy smile to graze over Jennie's lips before she sprinted downstairs.

And for a small moment, y/n kinda just stood there, staring at the spot that Jennie had been previously standing. There was absolutely no way that she was actually about to have the Jennie Kim in the same car as her. But her short trance was broken when she realized that Jennie Kim was waiting for her. In the same respect, she realized that yes, she was actually about to have the Jennie Kim in the same car as her.

"See ya, Auntie!"

"See ya, dear!"


(Jennie's POV)

As Jennie stood at the curb, and watched the y/n walk out of her front door, she couldn't help but give herself a mental slap in the face. Because as much as she just wanted to see y/n again, she could've just waited for later on in the day. But, it was too late to cancel as she saw y/n gesturing for her to come over to her driveway.

God she's so cute.

Jennie finally walked over to y/n's side of the road, anxiety coursing through her veins.

"Hi," was seemingly all that Jennie could muster in her nervous state. Her face flushed with bright red when y/n flashed that bright smile that left Jennie dreaming of the girl last night.

"Hi, Jennie," y/n greeted, while chivalrously opening the passenger door for Jennie.

She's so cute.


(Y/n's POV)

The car ride was filled in a void of silence, but it was an oddly comfortable silence. The radio played in the background while both girls attempted to secretly steal glances at each other. And every time they would catch each other staring, they would start furiously flushing with red and look away. All goes to say, it was a nice car ride.

When they pulled up to the school, the feeling of excitement was sent through y/n. Because as much as she didn't want to admit it, she was extraordinarily excited to see all of the experiments inside the Seoul Science Center. Science had always been a strong point for y/n.

She opened her car door before rushing over to open Jennie's door for her. "You don't have to open my door for me, you know," Jennie stated with a cute giggle.

"But what if I want to?" Y/n asked while giving a charming smile. And when Jennie laughed, it made y/n more proud than she would ever like to admit.

"Thanks for taking me to school today y/n/n," Jennie whispered while flashing a sad smile. And the sad smile gave y/n enough evidence to workout that she wouldn't be seeing Jennie until after school.

God, why does Taehyung have to ruin everything?

"It was no problem," y/n replied just before the morning bell rang. And since y/n figured that Jennie wouldn't want to be seen around her, she made her way to her locker without another word.

Her back remained shyly hunched as she compressed her book bag straps with her fingers, bracing herself for the rock to be thrown at her back as soon as she opened her locker.

She entered the combination into her locker with shaky hands. Still no rock. She opened her locker while clenching the muscles of her back. Still no rock.

"Mornin' y/n," y/n didn't have to turn around in order to know who it was. And she didn't turn around, mostly out of fear. He threw the rock, seemingly harder than ever, and y/n bit down on her bottom lip as she almost let out a whimper. She looked in the mirror on the side of her locker, no Jennie this time.

Luckily enough, Taehyung left without another word, and y/n let out a heavy breath that she didn't even realize she was holding in.

Once she entered the classroom, she sat at her usual spot in the back corner of the class. When Jennie entered the room, she had her binder hugged to her chest as well. Y/n and Jennie locked eyes and an involuntary smile planted on both of their lips before Jennie took her seat in front of y/n.

"Alright everyone! Line it on up!"
The teacher yelled. Y/n stood up and allowed everybody else to line up first. As she stood in line, her eyes glazed over Jennie as she admired the girl's beauty from the distance. Their eyes locked for a brief moment before the line started moving.


Arrre youuu readyyyy

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