I'm a What?

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After the heartfelt Reunion of Lucifer and Dante and established a new Relationship as we see Dante Calling Someone on the phone and telling where he has been

Dante:and that's why I've been gone

Rosie:...so who's the screamer

Dante: Lucifer but that's besides the point

Rosie:oh don't be what I'm more shocked about is you being an angel but it kinda makes sense once you think about it

Dante:and I'm sorry I'm not telling you this in person Miss Rosie

Rosie:don't worry Dearie I'm just happy you're safe be sure to visit once in a while

Dante:Yes I'll be sure To-

Dante Yelp's As Lilith appeared behind him sinking her teeth onto Dante's Shoulder as her hand began to travel onto his pants onto his Dick Making him moan and struggling to answer the phone

Rosie:You okay?

Dante:Yeah...I just...god...ah...I just stubbed my toe and...ah...there was a spider

Rosie:well make sure to behave yourself young man

Dante:YES!,Yes....I'll Behave well...god... goodbye miss Rosie I'm hanging up now...OH GOD!

Dante hung up the phone as we see Lilith smile seductively as her hand is covered in his cum as she starts to lick every ounce of it

Dante:I was on the phone

Lilith:I don't care

Lilith lifts up Dante bringing him to her height inching him closer as Lilith Kisses him after another hours of love making

Dante left the bedroom clearly tired and hungry as he wonders around the castle clearly lost of where the kitchen is

???:uhhh are you lost?

Dante turned his head to see a tall, slender hellborn demon, standing at over 6 foot,around 6 and a half feet tall. She has long, blonde hair, with lighter blonde and pink highlights, which is tied into a twice-banded low ponytail. Her blonde bangs flip to her left with a curl.

 Her blonde bangs flip to her left with a curl

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[Charlie Morningstar-The Princess Of Hell]

Charlie: Excuse me but who are you exactly?

Dante: Oh my name is Dante Nightingale I uh knew your mother's

Charlie:Okay well my name is-

Lilith: Charlotte

Dante: Lilith!

Dante was flabbergasted at how fast Lilith's recovery rate is as she is back in her usual self
After hours and hours of sex with him and Lucifer

Charlie: Mom you actually know him?

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