Laughs, war, and confusion

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The night grew colder, people said their goodbyes, it became quiet.

Marinette and Adrien stood next to each other, hanging on the railing and watching the stars. Adrien turned to her, a smile forming on his face.

"What a night, huh?" He finally said, not really asking. She chuckled and still agreed, not really knowing what to say.
"I'm surprised you came, I thought you had one more day left of the fashion show."

"Well, the final show got cancelled, so I could spend my day wherever I'd like." He explained. And another silence fell on the two, unlike the many before, this one was uncomfortable.

They both knew they had questions, both knew they had to talk about what had happened. Their unspoken words hung in the air, making the tension thicker and thicker.

Until she broke the silence.

"Adrien," she began, "I... I really loved your gift."

"It wasn't really a gift for you," he interrupted her, "more like one for me." She laughed at his joke, while she moved a bit closer. Her hands longed to hold his, but she was afraid she was moving too rapidly.

"Maybe not, depends on what we're doing on our date." She smirked. "Will you amuse me, Agreste?"

She swore, every second Marinette was in his godly presence, she felt her confidence grow. The greed to have him all to herself overtook her mind.
And she didn't mind. At all.

So she took his hand.

"I don't know, are you gonna allow me to?" He replied, with the same unreal courage, which danced with her heartbeat.

"If you propose a good idea for our date, I'd consider it." She shot back, while she rested her head on her other hand. If only Alya were here to see how she'd overcome her stuttering in just one night.

"Hmm." He smiled, terribly amused by her reactions. "Okay... How about, I pick you up at 4 pm, we go to the fabric store to get your real birthday present, we shop around for a bit and finish our night by eating at a restaurant in the neighbourhood."

"I'm almost impressed, but I should've known that the Adrien Agreste had some experience in the dating apartment." She raised an eyebrow at him, not containing her smirk.

"I really don't, you know how my father disapproves of dating." He said, but corrected himself almost immediately. "Well Kagami, but she never actually kissed me. And Kagami organised our dates."

"Wait, you two never kissed?" Marinette asked relieved, not that she was jealous before.
Maybe just a little.

"Nope, I'm definitely lacking in that department." He almost cringed at himself, his hand was already on its way to his neck. But she stopped it.

"Perhaps, you should get some proper practice then." And she kissed him, for the second time that night.

Somehow it felt even better than the first time. Their hands slowly moved up to each other's faces, the cold air cooling the warmth, which spread across their faces.

His mouth formed into a smile as they kissed, her own mouth responding by mimicking his. He pulled back and giggled, hiding his face behind his hand.
The other returned swiftly in her hand.

"I'm sorry," Marinette couldn't help but smile even wider as he explained, "I'm just really, really happy, I can't stop smiling."

He took a breath and moved closer again. Adrien tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, while she let him. He was almost there, until he broke out in laughter again.

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