When the adrenaline doesn't help

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"I- ...What?" Marinette eventually managed to muster. "This is a joke, right?"

"What?" Her father returned her question, "No. No, why would we joke about that?" He asked, as he sat down, just as confused as Marinette was.

She checked the date, just to be sure. "Well, it's not April Fool's. If this is a joke it's really not funny." She desperately said, feeling her irritation well up inside her.

"Sweetie," her mother interrupted Tom before he said something stupid, "I know this is quite... unbelievable. But it's true, we have proof if you want to see it."

She slowly nodded, expecting them to erupt in laughter any second.
Except that they didn't, instead she got legal papers shoved in front of her eyes.

And there it was. The truth.

His lying and legacy in just one word. Windsor.

And of course, his whole family was indeed the royal family. Her whole family.

"...What the actual fuck? Why lie? About all of this? Why tell me now? Why did you move to France? Did maman know when she married you? Or have you been fucking lying about everything?"

Her head filled with questions and riddles, but none were answered. She had to know more.
"Are you... even my real parents?"

"Sweetie! Of course we are!" Sabine answered desperately, she seemed so concerned. But Marinette didn't think that was unreasonable to ask, they lied. They lied about their whole lives.

"Then why did you never tell me this shit!?" Now that she knew nothing of her parents anymore, she felt lost. So she did what she knew best, embracing the adrenaline and hiding behind the anger that formed.

"We never even wanted to tell you, honey." Her father answered, calmer than she expected. She had always found her anger reflected in his.

"We," he continued, but corrected himself immediately, "no I, I made a... mistake. And then I left, too scared to face them again. I never wanted to return, I wanted to leave the past behind. That's why we never told you."

Sabine patted his arm. "It wasn't a mistake, Tom. You did the right thing."

"Wait wait, so you're telling me this now... because why? Are you gonna leave us?" Her breath quickened at the thought. She couldn't understand what was happening, her father had royal blood. And she never knew.

"Well, not really. Like your mother said, you need to connect with your roots. So we're all going to England." Tom answered.

"But I don't even know England! What the fuck should I do in a country that's so foreign to me?!" She huffed, extremely annoyed. But she knew somewhere deep inside her, that she was rather scared than annoyed.

"I grew up in Paris, no matter what, France is my home. Roots in England," She said sarcastically, chuckling at the absurdity," I can't even speak English that well!"

"Your grades are all exceptional, you have a nine for English." Sabine pointed out. "That's different! That's rules and books, not everyday language."

"You know you don't make sense right now?" Her mother raised her eyebrow in amusement.

"STOP. Stop with this bullshit! There's something you're not telling me. Why is it that you're telling me right now?" Marinette felt frustrated. Her whole life felt like a lie. And the worst part was, she only knew it was a lie, she still didn't know the truth.

"Marinette calm down, your father is trying his hardest to explain, but it's just a lot." Her father stopped her before she continued, "I can explain."

"You did, but only that you're royalty. Why was this all hidden from me? Is there more you're not telling me?" Her mind was faster than her mouth, making her stumble over her words. "You're not telling me anything, you're just throwing shague vit- Fucking hell, VAGUE SHIT at me."

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