The list of denial

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Why I will NEVER be a stuck-up, royal, pain in the ass.
(A list by yours truly, A FRENCH, NORMAL GIRL WITH A NORMAL LIFE.)

1. Royals are assholes.
2. English royals are cunts.

Marinette scoffed, damn right they are. She slept perfectly, but waking up was awful.

The first thing she just had to look at, was her picture frame. All her friends were laughing, she was laughing too. And now she had to leave.
To be royalty.

She scoffed once again.

3. I'll lose all my friends.

So she had cried, again. And then she had screamed in her pillow, again.

And at last, she had decided to go downstairs. Her parents had made brunch, so much even, that it overloaded the table. It was their way to apologise, and although it was sweet, literally, she was still very angry.

4. I can't live without our pastries.

They continued their conversation from last night, they finally answered her questions and quickly discussed the details. It was strange to hear them talk so formally, Marinette had gotten scared and thus angrier. 

She was not exactly proud of what she did, or said, but refused to admit her guilt. She did have the right to be angry.
The conversation had stopped after that.

Still, they were her parents after all, so she had not gone against their wishes.
She had, like they asked to, not told anyone she was a princess, yet.
And she had, like they asked to, at least tried to cooperate with their little game.

Even though 'the game' was in charge of the life she was supposed to control.

5. I'll never play Ultimate Mecha Strike III again :(

They did agree on quite some things before they stopped, which actually meant her parents had planned out the rest of her life and she only had to nod.

She'd stay in Paris until the end of the second week at school. Absolutely useless, why start school when she's not even going to finish it?
At least she had the time to say goodbye to all of her friends.

6. I'm not gonna finish high school. IT'S MY FINAL YEAR I WAS ALMOST THERE!
7. I won't study fashion design at Institut Français de la Mode.
8. I will not pursue my career of fashion designing.

She had almost finished her portfolio, although she did not need it any longer. Might as well be trash. 

After those last few weeks in Paris, she would take a flight with her parents to England. She'd only get three days until she had to be tutored in etiquette, language, history, dance... everything.
To become a true princess. 

How lovely.

Then, on her eighteenth birthday, her parents would announce her as heir to the throne.

So, like any other normal person would do, she immediately scheduled a meeting with her therapist after brunch. No way was she going anywhere without advise.

9. I'll have no therapy from my favourite therapist.

Her therapist had suggested to assemble a list of all the reasons why she did not want to be a princess. They could work on the list in upcoming meetings, by solving each problem.
One by one.

The idea was to be left with no list, and thus no fear to become princess.

She knew her parents might have wanted her to keep the secret, but it was her therapist. That woman actually answered her questions and solved them too.
So Marinette told her anyway.

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