Chapter Three

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"Well you are up early," Lydia chuckled, walking into the kitchen.

Magnifico had already made breakfast for both of them as well as cleaned the kitchen and tidied up the countertops. Lydia was shocked to notice the change in Magnifico's mood and attitude. Normally, he was down most of the time, but suddenly he is happier than ever. Magnifico made plates for him and Lydia and cheerfully walked over to the table where Lydia was already sitting.

"By guessing on your mood, you were able to sell your resources?," Lydia asked.

Magnifico swallowed hard. A small bead of sweat started to form on his head as he placed Lydia's plate in front of her. He never did sell his research for money! How is he going to prove he got something from his goods? Then he remembered the pouch of silver coins that Mr. Arbritis gave him as courtesy. Perfect, he could use that.

"Um, yes!," Magnifico replied.

He pulled the pouch out of the satchel with the same rose symbol that was on the table that Lydia gave him yesterday. He dropped the pouch on the table with a thud. The silver coins jiggled, catching the attention of Lydia. Lydia took the pouch, noticing the kingdom crest stamped on the front. She peeked inside, expecting to see a few bronze coins but was pleasantly shocked to see nothing but silver coins.

"Magnifico, these are silver coins!" Lydia gasped.

"I told you that the university pays a pretty penny for research, heh,"

Magnifico rubbed the back of his neck, trying to cover up the fact that he never sold his work.

"Mom, I'm going to bring someone by later tonight,"

"Oh? Well who is this person?"

"A girl. Her name is Amaya. I met her yesterday after an ...event and she wants to see our farm."

Lydia cocked her head sideways slightly and smiled. So this is the real reason why her son is in a good mood. She was happy to see her son this happy about anything ever since Damion left.

"Well she sounds like a nice girl,"

"She is,"

Magnifico's cheeks started to beam red again at just the thought of Amaya.

After breakfast, Magnifico made his way to the library to start his shift. The feeling of excitement washed over him as he entered Beldforg. Magnifico hitched his horse at the same spot as yesterday and made his way inside the library.

"There he is!," Mr. Arbritis cheered, raising his arms up.

Mr. Arbritis threw one of his muscular arms around Magnifico's shoulders and pushed him in towards his desk. Magnifico chuckled at Mr. Arbritis wit.

Mr. Arbritis let go of Magnifico to make his way behind his desk. He bent down behind the desk and pulled out a small chest. The chest was small enough to fit about three regular size books.

"I had this made for you yesterday,"

Mr. Arbritis pushed the chest across the desk towards Magnifico on the other side. Magnifico opened the chest to see an outfit that was made out of the finest materials. The fabric was as soft as the sheep's wool at home on his farm. The pattern on the clothes was small diamonds in alignment with each other. Magnifico lifted the garment out of the chest and smiled at Mr. Arbritis.

"Well if you are going to work here, you need to look your best," Mr. Arbritis laughed.

"You have given me some many gifts in my life that I don't know how to make it up to you,"

"Bahhh, pish posh," Mr. Arbritis waved his hand in the air. "You have too much to worry about right now,"

"Thank you,"

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