Collision of fates:

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Maya: You know, Ava, sometimes I feel like I'm living in a world of my own making.
[She is sitting with her best friend, Ava, at a cozy café, sipping on steaming cups of coffee.]

Ava: [laughs] Oh, come on, Maya. You're just a hopeless romantic, that's all.
Maya: [smirks] Guilty as charged. But seriously, don't you ever feel like there's more to life than what meets the eye?
Ava: [raises an eyebrow] Are we talking about your fairytale fantasies again?
Maya: [nods eagerly] Exactly! I mean, why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary? I believe in true love, Ava. The kind that sweeps you off your feet and takes you on a magical journey.
Ava: [rolls her eyes playfully] You've been watching too many rom-coms, Maya.
Maya: [grins] Maybe. But is it really so wrong to want a love like that? To believe in something so beautiful and pure?
Ava: [sighs] No, it's not wrong, Maya. It's just... rare. Real life isn't always like the movies, you know.
Maya: [pauses, then smiles softly] I know, Ava. But a girl can dream, can't she?
Ava: [reaches across the table and squeezes Maya's hand] Of course she can. And who knows? Maybe one day your prince will come riding in on a white horse.
Maya: [laughs] or maybe he'll just stroll in with a charming smile and steal my heart.
Ava: [grins] Now that's more like it, Maya. Never stop dreaming.
Maya: [holds Ava's gaze, her eyes sparkling with determination] I won't, Ava. I won't


[Maya's family home, a cozy living room filled with warmth and laughter. Maya, her mother, and her brother Ethan are gathered around the fireplace, reminiscing about old times.]

Maya: [smiling wistfully] Remember when Dad used to tell us bedtime stories about knights and dragons?
Ethan: [grinning] Yeah, and remember how you always insisted on being the princess who saved the day?
Maya: [laughs] Hey, someone had to break the stereotype!
Mother: [chuckling] Your father loved those stories. He had such a vivid imagination.
Maya: [gazing into the flames] I miss him so much.
Ethan: [placing a comforting hand on Maya's shoulder] We all do, Maya. But he's still with us, in here. [taps his chest]
Maya: [smiles gratefully] Thanks, Ethan. You always know how to cheer me up.
Ethan: [grins mischievously] It's what I'm here for, sis. That and causing chaos wherever I go!
Mother: [playfully swatting Ethan] Oh, hush, you. We wouldn't have it any other way.
Maya: [leaning back against the couch, a sense of contentment washing over her] I'm grateful for moments like these. Moments where we can just be together, as a family.
Mother: [nodding in agreement] Me too, Maya. Me too.

[They sit in companionable silence, the crackling of the fire filling the room with warmth and comfort. In that moment, despite life's hardships, Maya knows that as long as she has her family by her side, she can weather any storm that comes her way.]


Next day:)

[Maya is driving down a busy street, lost in her thoughts, when suddenly, screeching tires and the sound of metal crashing against metal shatter the tranquility of the day.]
Maya: [gasping in shock as her car comes to a sudden halt] Oh my god, what just happened?
[Maya looks around frantically, her heart pounding in her chest, as she sees another car pulled over to the side of the road, its front bumper crumpled from the impact. She exits her car and rushes over to the other vehicle, her pulse racing with worry.]
Maya: [approaching the other driver] Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't see you coming!
[A man steps out of his car, his expression stoic and unreadable, as he surveys the damage.]
???: [calmly] Accidents happen. No need to apologize.
Maya: [taken aback by his nonchalant attitude] But... but your car...
???: [shrugs] It's just a car. It can be fixed or replaced. What matters is that no one was seriously hurt.
Maya: [softening slightly] You're right. I'm just glad everyone's okay.
[Despite the tense situation, Maya can't help but notice the undeniable magnetism of his presence. His piercing gaze and confident demeanor leave her feeling strangely captivated.]
Maya: [extending her hand] I'm Maya, by the way. Maya Williams.
???: [shaking her hand firmly] Alex Joseph. CEO of AURORA Enterprises.
Maya: [eyes widening in surprise] Wait, you're Alex Joseph? The CEO?
Alex: [smirking] Guilty as charged.
Maya: [nervously] Um, I'm really sorry about this, Mr. Joseph. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?
Alex: [studying her intently] Actually, there is. How about we have dinner tonight? My treat.
Maya: [stammering] Dinner? With you?
Alex: [nodding] Consider it my way of ensuring there are no hard feelings.
[Maya hesitates for a moment, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts, before finally nodding in agreement. He gave him his card and asked to call here for more details.
Maya: [smiling, takes the card.] Okay, dinner it is. See you soon.

[As Maya watches Alex walks away, she can't shake the feeling that her life is about to take a dramatic turn, one that she never could have anticipated.]

As maya came from back to check his car, Alex heart stop beating for a while, as he saw her coming, through his back mirror, for a minute he can't believe in his own eyes, the girl he wanted to meet, the girl who had taken his mind for the past 23 years. He hardly makes him stable as he doesn't want to show "that he knew her".

"Sometimes we don't meet our destiny;
instead, fate finds us."💕

will Alex tell her about the past?
Will Maya remember him?
Stay tuned to see what will happen next?

Lots of love💖

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