Rediscovering roots:

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"Are you always like this? "Alex said in a deep voice by making an eye contact and made sure not to leave her as she could fall.

" I am sorry, I didn't see you coming. my fault..."Maya said in an apologizing tune.
"No harm. It's okay as humans make mistake...and you are also the one, right? or I'm wrong?"
Maya chuckled on his statement.
"Can I spare your time for a second" Alex ask.
"Yes sure, why not"
"You are a designer, right?"
"Yes I am. so?"
"Basically, We are in a need of a designer at our company is my card." Alex giving her his business card. "If you want to apply you can come day after tomorrow for an interview."
" Oh, I'm glad to hear this. Umm I will surely apply. But I don't know I'm that worthy to be at AURORA enterprises.
He smiled sadly on listening her statement. "Miss Maya Williams, we heir people on the basis of their capability, not on worth."
She couldn't remove her eyes from him as she was admiring him in her mind.
"Please look forward to it." Alex said while leaving.
"Sure. thank you so much"!
He passed a smile and start moving towards the leaving gate.
"I am that lucky? The CEO of Aurora enterprises is himself calling me for an interview." she again lost in her own world.


The day of her interview:

Maya Williams sat nervously in the sleek, modern lobby of AURORA Enterprises, her heart pounding with anticipation. She couldn't believe she was about to interview for a design position at one of the most prestigious companies in the city. Despite her initial clash with the enigmatic CEO, Alex Joseph, Maya was determined to prove herself worthy of the opportunity.

As Maya was escorted to the interview room, she couldn't shake the memory of their encounter at the seminar. Alex's piercing gaze, his confident demeanor – they had left a lasting impression on her. She couldn't deny the strange pull she felt towards him, despite their opposing views on love and life.

Entering the interview room, Maya found herself face to face with Alex once again. His expression was unreadable as he studied her carefully, making Maya squirm under his intense scrutiny.

Alex: [smirking] Maya Williams. I must say, I'm surprised to see you here.
Maya: [forcing a smile] Likewise, Mr. Joseph. Thank you for considering me for the position.
Alex: [leaning back in his chair] Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Why do you think you're qualified for this job?
Maya: [straightening her posture] Well, I believe my passion for design, combined with my creativity and attention to detail, make me a strong candidate for the role. I've also had experience working on similar projects in the past, which I believe would be valuable to your company.
Alex: [nodding thoughtfully] Interesting. And how do you handle working under pressure?
Maya: [meeting his gaze squarely] I thrive under pressure, Mr. Joseph. I believe it pushes me to perform at my best and brings out my creative instincts.
Alex: [raising an eyebrow] I see. Well, Maya, you certainly seem to have the right attitude. Consider yourself hired!
Maya: [eyes widening in shock] Really? Just like that?
Alex: [smirking] Just like that. Welcome to AURORA Enterprises, Maya.

[As Maya left the interview room, her mind was reeling with disbelief. She had expected the interview to be challenging, but Alex's sudden decision to hire her caught her completely off guard. Still, she couldn't suppress the surge of excitement coursing through her veins.]

Over the coming weeks, Maya threw herself into her work at AURORA Enterprises, determined to prove herself worthy of Alex's trust. Despite their initial rivalry, Maya found herself drawn to Alex's magnetic presence, his passion for success inspiring her to push herself harder than ever before.

As Maya and Alex worked side by side, their interactions became increasingly charged with tension and unspoken longing. Maya couldn't deny the growing attraction she felt towards him, even as she struggled to reconcile it with their differing views on love and romance.

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