yelling in a bar

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It was hard for him to stop gawking over at the two of you.

It was also hard for him to not hate you in that moment.

Of course, you hadn't done anything wrong, but in his denial, he had confused his bubbling jealousy for white hot anger.

He couldn't bring himself to look away, but hated every second that he didn't, as you placed your hand on the man's wrist in a friendly manner. But Dylan couldn't ignore the fact that that was something you always did with him.

He watched as, smiling, you bid the man farewell, and came bobbing cheerfully towards where he was sat at the bar.

"Hey, Dylan."

Dylan nodded, tight-lipped and white-knuckled.

"Are you okay?"

Confusion and worry was carved deep into the lines on your face, and he nodded again, but it was just as believable as the fist time.

"Who's your new friend?"

He was avoiding your gaze, and his grip on his drink had tightened.

"Oh, he's actually an old friend of my brother's. I've known him for years."

He nodded unconvincingly for the third time that night.

"What's going on, Dylan?"


You narrowed your eyes at him. He was becoming increasingly more annoying, but that was men for you.

"What have I done?"

He shook his head, almost angrier at you for even asking.

"I said it's nothing."

"Yeah, we'll you're ruining my night. We came out to have fun, if you're going to act all pissy with me for no reason then I'll go dance with Cole."

"I'm ruining your night? Y/N, do you get how hard it is watching you flirt with anyone who will give you attention?" Dylan was shouting now, and it felt as if every pair of eyes in the bar was trained on you.

Your head swum in confusion and anger.

"What? What the fuck, Dylan?" You turned away from him, feeling sick. Hot tears pricked your eyes uncomfortably. You couldn't believe he could say something like that to you.

"No, Y/N, I didn't-"

"Fuck off, Dylan."

Hugging your arms around yourself, you left the bar.

Braeden found you outside, leaning against the wall and letting the cold air cut right through to your bones. You didn't mind, it hurt a lot less than thinking about what Dylan had said.

"Hey, Y/N." Braeden said awkwardly. He was never very good at comforting you, but at least he tried.

"Hey, Brae." You sniffed, drawing your arms even closer to your chest.

"You're cold."

"Just a bit."

He didn't say anything, but shrugged off his jacket and handed it to you. You slipped it on gratefully, drinking in the lingering body heat on the fabric.

"Thank you."

"Dylan didn't mean it."

You looked up. Braeden looked serious, something you weren't used to. You scoffed.

"It sounded a lot like he meant it."

"He's in pieces in there." Braeden nodded to inside the bar. "He can't believe he said that to you."

"I cant believe he said that to me." You paused, before leaning onto Braeden's shoulder. "Is that what he really think of me? That I'm desperate for attention? I thought we were friends."

"He definitely doesn't think that of you." Braeden's hand was soothing on your back. "He's just- well, you should talk to him."

"I don't think I want to ever talk to him again."

"Y/N, you definitely did not hear this from me, but Dylan is very much in love with you."

You stopped. No he wasn't. There was no way that Dylan was in love with you.

"Braeden, don't fuck with me right now."

He laughed. "I'm not joking. You should have seen how he was looking at you when you were dancing with Claire. His eyes were huge, it looked like they were going to fall out of his head."

You pulled away from Braeden.

"I think I want to go home." You said quietly.


You didn't know how you had gotten outside Dylan's apartment. You couldn't remember deciding that this was a good idea, all you knew was that you were here, just a few feet away from were he was. Some reckless impulse took control of you hand, and you knocked on his door.

The door opened almost instantly, and Dylan just stood staring at you, wide-eyed. He looked a mess. His hair was sticking up in all sorts of directions, like he hand been running his hands though it all evening.

"So you love me."

Dylan said nothing.

"That was really mean, what you said." It wasn't you talking, someone else was taking control of you, making you say these things.

"I know, I didn't mean it at all."

"Yet you still said it."

"Yeah." Dylan's voice was quiet, embarrassed. You could tell he was ashamed, and that almost made you feel slightly better. His gaze dropped to the floor.


He looked up.

Something took hold of you in that moment. It was as if all the moments that you had nearly said something caught up to you all at once, and you felt your body moving forwards before you realised what you were doing.

But your lips were on his and your arms were in his hair and he stumbled back, surprised. It didn't take long for his hands to be on your waist, kissing you back just as hard. The door to his apartment had swung shut in the movement, you felt felt him walking you back to the couch. Eyes still closed, bodies still together, you both crashed down onto it.

"Y/N-" He said breathlessly, tugging himself away from you like it was hard work. "I'm sorry, I really am-"

You shook your head, putting your fingers on his lips gently and stopping him from talking.

"It's fine, it really is. I've always been a forgiving person."

"God, I'm glad of that."

And his lips were on yours again.


let's pretend that it's not been over a year since i updated...
(dylan has been looking SO good on his insta recently)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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