Yulter fluff

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(Takes place after merge in all stars)

Hunter's pov:
I was just walking through the woods, looking for a totem when Yul walked towards me. I had been out as pansexual for about 3 years now. I actually liked yul more than a friend.

"What are you doing all alone, Hunter?"

"I was just uhm.. looking for something I lost.. yeah!"

"I know you're looking for a totem." he said."How about we start an alliance?" he continued.

"Sure," I said.


"So, wanna look for the totem together?" I asked

"Mhm, okay."

Yul's pov:
Okay, hear me out, Hunter is a pretty fine guy. I know I said homophobic things, but.. He makes me feel different. I never felt that with anyone, not even James, who I dated  back in season 2.

"Yul, I found the totem."


"Well, I guess I'm just that good,"

Omg I could kiss him right now, but something held me back.

"Hello, are you okay, Yul?"
"Oh yeah, sorry,"

"What's up, you've been acting strange, is this about grett?"

It's about you, Hunter, I thought. but I could only think that.

"Oh, uhm, no, well, I don't know whatever.

"You know you can talk to me."

"Omg, when are you gonna realize ITS YOU HUNTER. YOU'RE ON MY MIND ALL THE TIME." I screamed at him. I screamed at him..

"Oh wow, wait, you like me?"

"Yes, I do."

"Holy shit uhm, I like you too, actually."


"Yes, I can prove it." He flirted

"Mhm, tell me. I'm interested." I flirted back

He then kissed me.

"How about we go for a walk?" He asked.

"Sure, I'd like that." I smiled at him.


Yul x male character ships are just👌👌

Give me ideas!!

- Sander, 297 words

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