Chapter 13: Final Carnage V.S Riot

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3rd POV:

Back to RWBY.

When RWBY and the others were going out by themselves and they both just heading out to somewhere else in this world and make them tries their best to searching for (Y/N) because they were care about him and they want to seen him for what he's doing. The girls and others were made it to where the crime case where there was a horrible shootout and also some dead bodies all over down on the ground.

Ruby: "M-Mom, what's going on?" She asked her.

Summer: "I don't know...let me talk with the police officer." She said to her daughter and make her was checking out toward to the officer and he asked him.

Summer: "Sir, what happened here?" She asked him.

Police Officer 1: "I'm sorry, ma'am! You and your friends cannot came in there by yourself...but listen anyway you guys need to stay out of this night...this city isn't safe...there was some kind of red creature attacking at the poor guys back there. But thanks for Spiderman was showing up and looks like...this red monster is strong enough to take him down." He said to her.

Summer: "T-Thank you for your information, sir." She said to him and make him was going back to do his own work by himself and then others were definitely don't like this and make them heard about (Y/N) was been ambushed by these hunters. They both going to think about this situation that they need to find (Y/N) right away and they don't want him to be hunt down by the police who were searching for him.

Winter: "Oh no...that means he is still out there and he will be hunt down by the police and kill him." She said.

Neo: "*NO!!!!! I don't want that happened.*" She thought herself.

Qrow: "Then what are we waiting for?!? Let's going to find him!" He said.

Ren: "But how? We don't know where he really is." He said to

Jaune: "What are we going to do?" He asked her.

Summer: "We need to search out for him because we know he was in great danger and chase by someone who wants him alive." She said to them.

Sienna: "Right, then let's get going right now." She said to them and make them nod their heads and they were running off to somewhere else and search for (Y/N) with their semblances and powers too. Because they were care and worrying about him and they don't want him to be killed...they do care about him because they want him to be his boyfriend.

RWBY: "*Hang on, (Y/N)...we'll be there to save you.*" They thought themselves and they were moving out quickly as possible and they don't want that happened to him and then after 30 minutes later that they were searching for him and couldn't find him...but Summer got her iPhone was text ring out by someone else and send it to her and make her take an answer at it.

Summer: "Hey! I got (Y/N)'s text signal!" She said to them and make them were turn their heads to look at Summer who was shout out and they went to her and they take a look at it and make them were definitely looking at the words from (Y/N) that he told them that he was going after Life Foundation and the director name is Carlton Drake.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Carnage: "*GROWL*" He was growling out little bit and make him was begin to jump up from the ground and then he definitely going out in the rooftop's buildings by himself and make him went out to searching for Life Foundation and Carlton Drake...he will kill him by himself.

he will kill him by himself

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