Chapter 2 The Quarry

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The next morning

My eyes struggling to open and my vision blurry I look around the room and notice it's empty the bags still by the fire, blankets still on the floors

Where are they? Maybe they're getting fresh air. Why didn't they wake me up?!

I reach into my pocket and pull out my dads phone it's 7:20am.
I pull the blankets from my legs and stand up I start to stretch and yawn. I walk over to the table and grab my hatchet. I open the door and see my dad walking back without mum. He's covered in blood. My eyes widen and I drop my hatchet, my chest gets heavy.
As he walks closer his eyes fill with tears
"I'm sorry-" he struggles to speak his voice cracking his hands shaking "... she's gone."
I put my hands on my head and shake my head
"No your lying" I clench my fists "...what did you do."
He puts his bloody hands on my shoulder and pulls me in for a hug, I pull away and push his arms away
"What the fuck happend!!" I yell at full volume
He covers my mouth
"You need to be quiet they can hear you let's go inside and talk"
I pull his hand off my mouth, pick up my hatchet and walk inside
Dad: "okay just let me speak, we were going for a walk to talk about last night your mother had seen a bag in the forest and went to pick it up I continued to look around while she was searching through the bag until she screamed one of the monsters had grabbed her and she was yelling for my help as I got to her the monster sunk it's teeth right into her neck . I tried to pull it off her but I couldn't I found a steel pole and attacked it until it wouldn't move-"
I interrupt
"Where is she I need to see her"
He looks at the ground and shakes his head
"No... it's not a good idea you shouldn't have to see your mother like that"
"Like what Dad, DEAD. She wouldn't of been if it wasn't for you. She would still be here she wouldn't of had to go for a walk if you didn't start your bullshit!!! If you didn't cheat if you didn't yell ITS ALL YOUR FAULT"
He moved back and looked at me with disgust
"I tried to help her... the more she screamed the more of them came I had to leave her."
I turn around and open the door and slam it in his face
He didn't try to stop me he didn't say anything he just remained inside as I walk off into the forest alone. My mind goes blank I drip with sweat, no tears no sadness just pure anger.
I walk through the forest looking everywhere I can to find her. I look into the distance... it's her, laying on the ground blood everywhere
No bites, no monsters around.
I lift her head and try to wake her
"Mum... mum please wake up"
My hands are shaking I begin to cry
"Mum!!! Please... I'm sorry I'm so sorry"
She has stab wounds all over her through her stomach, her chest.
"He did this to you... he lied to me, he lied to us. I'm so sorry mum"
A slight groan comes from her lifeless body
My face in shock as I stand up her eyes open.
"No..." I say in anger "...he let you become one of these things.. it's okay mum I'm going to help you rest now"
I pick up my hatchet.
"Im going to make this right mum.. even if that means I have to survive on my own"
Her arms tried to grab me
with tears in my eyes I swing the hatchet straight to the top of her head until she is no longer moving,
I fall to the ground dropping my hatchet.
I clench my fists, wipe my tears and lift her over my shoulders.
I carry her to the trees close to the cabin
"It's okay ma I'm going to bury you when I'm done.. I love you"
I wipe the blood off the hatchet on the soft grass tucking the hatchet in the back of my pants
I walk up to the cabin and open the door
Dad looks at me
"I couldn't find her..."
He stands up and walks over to me with his arms out
"Its okay son... we are going to get through this"
He says while hugging me
I reach behind my back and slowly pull out the hatchet, he noticed.
He puts his hands up
"Hey there calm down Jay I know your upset but it's going to be okay"
I frown "it's going to be okay huh!? Why don't you go say that to your wife you MURDERED!!"
He walks over slowly and I step back.
"Son what are you talking about? Just put the axe down"
He walks closer, I swing the hatchet it goes straight into his neck
He falls to the ground
He tries to pull the hatchet out of his neck, I kick him on the ground and stand on his chest pulling the hatchet out of his neck.
"This is for mum..."
He tried to speak but his mouth stars pouring out with blood, he starts to choke.
His blood continues to spray out of his neck.

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