Chapter 3 Loss

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"Jay, Jay... wake up Jay"
I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of Carl waking me up
I yawn "good morning Carl, how did you sleep?"
He smiles and rushes me out of bed
"Good good I slept good, you need to come quick we are catching frogs and I want to teach you"
I stand up out of bed and stretch
"Sure thing! I'll get dressed and be out shortly"
He runs out of the tent with excitement
I begin to get changed and Rick walks in
I cover my torso with my t-shirt
"Hey there Jay, don't freak out we're both men here"
I smiled and continued to put my tshirt on
"About that..." I say in a nervous tone
Rick looks back at me confused, I look at the ground
"What is it Jay? You know you can talk to me"
I shake my head
"Never mind it's not that important, I need to get to Carl before he starts wondering why I'm taking so long "
He walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder
"Whenever your ready"
I then walk out the tent and head towards the bottom of the quarry
A man aggressively grabs my shoulder
"What do you think your doing with him"
Says the man in an aggressive tone
I turn to face the man
"Doing what?, and with who?"
"Carl what are you doing with Carl"
I frown at the man.
"who are you, asking me questions without even telling me your name first the fucking audacity"
The man smirks
"My names shane, heard yours is Jay, now tell me what are you doing with Carl"
My face still confused with a Frown
"Carl is an adventurous little boy. Who happened to be the first person in this group to introduce himself to me, to give me a reason to get out of bed this morning."
He rubs his chin
Shane: "get out of bed? And what Was the reason."

"Honestly I'm so confused right now, I'm still half asleep getting questioned about hanging out with a little kid

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"Honestly I'm so confused right now, I'm still half asleep getting questioned about hanging out with a little kid. He got me out of bed to teach me to catch frogs for fuck sakes now can I please go"
He steps back
"Sure whatever but I'm keeping my eyes on you."
I walk off towards Carl, he's already in the water
Carl: "finally you took foreverrrrr"
I smile while getting into the water
I shiver
"Brhhhhh this is cold, sorry I didn't mean to take so long anyways how do we do this"
Me and carl catching frogs in the water for the next hour we get out of the water with a small bucket of frogs.
Carl: "that wasn't so hard you caught two frogs I'm such a good teacher right"
"Yes indeed young man thank you for teaching me, now it's my mission to catch more frogs then you next time"
We laugh together
Carl: "your on MISTER"
I put my hand on his head and smile
Shane yells from the distance
"Carl come over here please I need to speak with you"
Carl: "my uncle shane wants to talk I'll be back soon, wait there!!"
I grin at Carl and wave as he walks off
Kaz approaches
"So your starting to fit in huh?" She says raising her eyebrows
"I've only been here one night it's not perfect but I'm getting there "
Kaz: "to be honest I don't really give a shit, I came over here because I wanted to ask you something"
"Figured you didn't give a shit, what did you want to ask me?"
Kaz: "why did you insist on me blowing ur brains out yesterday?"
"I didn't particularly want you to but I figured if you were going to put a gun to my head I wouldn't beg for my life"
She nods her head
"I can tell that your not weak, and wanting to die makes you weak. So there's clearly more of a reason as to why you were being weak."
I put the bucket of frogs on the ground
"In all honesty I just lost the only two people I had in this world. One of them because I decided to take his life from him. So I was obviously feeling like nothing could've been worse then that."
Kaz: "well dying is the easy part. It's living that's hard. Watching everyone around you loose there lives while you somehow still get to keep yours. Point being I don't like you, but I didn't agree to save you just for you to opt out."
"Well... I'm not going to opt out. I'm going to do my part in this group and I'm going to continue to do that, and as for not liking me the feelings are mutual I don't really like you either"
She laughs and walks off with her middle finger pointing at me

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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