Capture twelve - Mr. Munson

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It was pouring outside, and Agnes was getting drenched as soon as she left Tommys house. It was just like a bad romcom she had watched with her mom. Even though she hoped for Billy to come after her and kiss her in the rain, she knew it was never going to happen. And that was ok, because she didn't feel safe after the way she had seen him acting. Agnes then picked up her bike from the ground and mounted it. It was first in that moment Agnes felt how drunk she had gotten. Her vision was blurred, and her reflexes was off.

Agnes was just biking, not knowing where to go. She was way too drunk to show up at home and it was not like she had a sea of friends hide out at. But then it occurred to her that she had a friend she could crash at. She took the next turn and headed to the trailer park. But as she turned, she lost control of the bike and she fell over. Agnes felt the pavement as she hit the ground. It was hard and scratchy on her palms and knees. The slippery road and her drunken mind must had caused her to fall. She got up as quickly as she could and continued to the trailer park.

Agnes tossed the bike to the side and stumbled to the door and knocked. "Eddieee" Agnes yelled. "Eddie pews le me in" she added. The door opened and Eddie looked shocked as he saw Agnes drunk in front of him, at his place. "Agnes, what are you doing he..." Eddie asked, but Agnes cut him off by trying to kiss him. He pushes her slowly away smelling the alcohol from her breath. "Agnes you are wasted" Eddie said concerned. "What is that fuss" Mr. Munson said called walking to the door. "Onkel this is Agnes, uh she's a friend of mine" Eddie said embarrassed. Mr. Monson looked stunned as he saw the you girl with scabbed knees standing in his doorway. "Oh. Get inside child. Are you hurt". Mr. Munson asked very much more concerned than Eddie, which caused Agnes to finally let go of her tears and started to cry.

"Eddie, get her cleaned up. I'm gonna call her parents" Mr. Munson said disappointed. Eddie led Agnes into his room and found a dry shirt for her to wear. He turned around as she changed, and it was only to Agnes disappointment. She wanted him to look at her, to really see her. "I'm decent now" Agnes said as she covered her legs, with the blanked there was laying on Eddies bed. Eddie sat down on the edge of his bed. "Get some sleep and then we talk about this tomorrow" Eddie said smiling and then he left the room.

"Hi Mrs. Henderson, this is Wayne Munson, Eddies Uncle. Your daughter is saying over. No everything is fine, don't you worry mam. I'm going to drive her home in the morning. No mam you shouldn't drive in this weather. Okay. See you. Bye". Mr Munson said on the phone. Eddie leaned up agenst the kitchen counter. "She's asleep now" Eddie said embarrassed. "I'm going to drive her home when I get back for work... is she your girlfriend" Wayne asked. It would be nice if he could call her that Eddie thought to himself. "No, she's got a boyfriend" Eddie answered. "Yet she shows up at your door in the middle of the night son.... All right, I gotta go to work. Don't do her wrong" Wayne said and got off to work.

Eddie made himself a joint, while thinking about how it would be if he got together with Agnes. Agnes was a nerd like him. A misfit. They could be together without anyone notice it, but he would still be proud. He would never do her wrong. She was so strong and independent, but yet so fragile. He liked her. He really liked her.

He lit up the joint, leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes. He could hear the careful footsteps walking near him, but he kept his eyes closed. Then he felt Agnes cuddling up agent his side. Even though it surprised him, he just kept still and smiled. Agnes put a soft hand on his cheek and slowly turning his head to face her. She softly kissed him, and Eddie kissed back. Agnes knew what she was doing was wrong, but it felt so right for her. Eddie felt right for her. Eddie leaned over, gently putting Agnes underneath him. She slowly grinded her leg up against his as she held him closer to her. Their kiss got more and more passionate as they continued. "Let's get some sleep" Eddie whispered underneath their breaths.

The next morning the sun was shining through the windows of the trailer. Agnes head was hurting, but her body felt warm up against someone. She turned to see that she had been falling asleep on the couch with Eddie and she immediately remembered showing up drunk at Eddies home. "My head" Agnes complained, and Eddie opened his eyes. "Shit did we fell asleep here" Eddie said and hurried up. Agnes sat up on the couch. Eddie admired her for a second wearing nothing but her underwear and his Corroded Coffin t-shirt that he had made for his band.

A smile Agnes hadn't seen before accrued on Eddies lips. "what" Agnes asked as she smoldered her eyes in curiosity. "I just didn't notice that I lent you my bad tee" Eddie said and shook his head. Agnes smiled and looked down to the shirt she was wearing. "Like as in your band" Agnes asked impressed. "Yes, we are called Corroded Coffin" Eddie said and smiled. "I was in Lafayette last summer to record with my girlfriend" Eddie paused. "My ex-girlfriend" Eddie corrected as he thought about the time he had spent with Paige and how he missed out on a record label as he was arrested for selling drugs. Agnes looked up and smiled. "So why haven't I heard you on the radio" Agnes asked. "Because recording cost money, which I didn't have at the moment, so I started selling drugs to ern them" Eddie started. "But Hoper caught me, and I didn't make it to LA again" he added.

"How was Paige, do you miss her" Agnes asked as she got up from the couch. Eddie smiled as he thought back on the wild and awesome times he had with Paige. "I miss her sometimes. She was like my best friend, and I met her family and everything" Eddie explained. "It such a coincidence huh" Agnes asked forming a mischievous grin on her lips. "What" Eddie asked. "I'm not talking to Nancy, and I haven't seen or heard anything from Jonathan the last couple of days" Agnes explained. "Where are you going with this" Eddie asked and leaned against the kitchen counter. "Don't make me say it" Agnes started, but Eddie just started at her with crossed arms over his chest. "We could be best friends" Agnes said and rolled her eyes. "Fine" Eddie said and pulled Agnes into a tight hug. He wondered if she even remembered their kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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