I have no intention of sexualizing the idols nor does this story have anything to do with them in real life. IT'S JS FRICTIONAL.
Also welcome to my story and please ignore the spelling errors, feel free to correct me tho. ( English is not my 1st la...
I just came back from work really exhausted. Suddenly I remember about the celebration of the company tonight and boom my mood just got ruined. (It was already ruined TBH but whatever) Like I don't wanna attend it but I know better than to not attend it because that damn guy was already making my life hell and if I didn't go to this stupid celebration he for sure would kill me!
After getting a shower I looked through my closet to find something good because I don't want the people at my office to have a bad impression on me.
After looking for a while I found something that was nice but also simple.
I quickly wore it and checked myself in the mirror to make sure everything was perfect.
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( This is what he was wearing. )
Than I quickly left for the so called celebration.
Heeseung's pov:
Never in my life have I ever wanted to dress up for someone but for some reason today I wanted to dress nice and look good. I didn't give it much thought and quickly got dressed. Soon after I left for the celebration.
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( This is what he was wearing.)
After arriving at the event place, I started looking for a certain someone and that someone was Jaehyun. For some reason I just couldn't stop thinking about him the whole day today, probably bcuz of the things I was planning *smirk*.
After looking for a while I found the treasure I was looking for. Ngl he was looking god damn beautiful. I just Couldn't take my eyes off of him. Than I started walking towards him.
Jake's pov:
After arriving at the destination I quickly started to look around to find that one colleague, who I kinda bonded with in the last 5 days. Her name was Sana. She is working here for the past 2 years.
While looking for her, I spotted the devil making his way towards me. Just great. *sighs*
He came and stood infront of me with a smirk on his face. God just how badly I wanna slap that smirk away from his face. I kept my gaze lowered.
Than he suddenly started speaking "Glad to see u here Sim" "mhmm, whatever" *he scoffed* "you know you have a pretty good attitude..which unfortunately annoys the shit out of me" "well unfortunately I also don't have anything to do about it" I said, finally looking straight into his eyes. "You little-ugh I will see about you later..just you wait" he left while razing with anger. I kinda felt satisfied and frightened for some reason.
After a long and boring wait I finally saw Sana making her way to me. I quickly waved at her with a smile and she waved back. Than we started chatting with each other about random stuffs.
Now we all were at the dinner table eating with silence. Nobody dared to speak a word.
When suddenly Heeseung decided to break the peaceful silence by saying "after dinner there are drinks for everyone, so make sure to keep some space for plenty of drinks." He said the last part while looking at me and smirking. I genuinely felt kinda scared.
Heeseung's pov:
I was drinking from my wine glass while looking directly at Jaehyun. He seemed like he drank all the drinks I told the waiter to give him. Seems line everything is going according to my plan.
It is currently 1am and almost everyone left. Now it was only me, Sim and Sana inside the room. I was kinda getting annoyed at Sana like what is she waiting for and why is she so clingy to Jaehyun. I rolled my eyes and finally decided to take matters to my own hand. "Hey Sana, aren't you gonna go home?, it's getting pretty late." "Yeah, I will but what about Jaehyun?" "Don't worry I will take him home" "oh okay" she than finally stood up and left.