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Heeseung's pov:

"Sunghoon. What are you doing here?" I asked kinda excited. Sunghoon is my most fav cousin, he is the only one who truly understands me and make sures I'm always happy.

He went to America 2 years ago, that's why I was kinda surprised to see him.

"Well, I just came back from America yesterday and decided to surprise you, by paying u a visit at ur office." "Oml! Have a sit and I can surely say ur plan worked." "Nah, I don't wanna sit yet." "Than?" I asked. "I want to look around ur office with you." " oh! Yeah sure." I replied.

Now we are currently roaming around the office while I showed some important stuffs of my office.

Suddenly, Sunghoon bumped into someone. The someone was none other than Jake.

After bumping into each other, both started looking straight into each other's eyes. I didn't kinda like that tbh but whatever. When suddenly Jake and Hoon both yelled together.

"Jakey!" "Hoonie!" "Oml! What are you doing here Hoonie?!" " I should be asking you that question but anyways, Heeseung is my cousin, so he was giving me a tour inside his office." Jake made eye contact with me and quickly looked disgusted and broke the eye contact. " well I think you can already guess I work here lmao" "Yupp lmao"

After that they started talking to each other completely forgetting my existence. *sigh*

But I had so many questions in my mind right now. Like how do they know each other?, How did they meet?  What are they? and What is Jake to Hoon?. (Hee is praying for em not to be boyfriends LMAO.😝)


Sorry for not updating for a long time. I was kinda bzy. ⚘
Also the chapter is a bit short HIHIHIHI!

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