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VERMITHOR HAPPILY FLEW to the active volcano, with pale grey steam rising from its hot vents

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VERMITHOR HAPPILY FLEW to the active volcano, with pale grey steam rising from its hot vents. Aelora confusingly looks over to the steam as it did not pain her. The princess was pulled away from her thoughts by the sudden landing of Vermithor. He let out a chirp and motioned his head to the smoking caverns of the Dragonmont.

"Aōha lenton?" (Your home?) Aelora spoke with a hum, followed by his chirp of agreement. The princess slowly slid off of his back and let him lead her inside as she stood beside his head.

The cave was surrounded by multiple torchers which let his lair have some lightness. Although Aelora was fascinated by this, a low growl made her shiver. The princess recognised it as no growl of Vermithor's as this one was deep and more angry. Aelora slowly turned as his giant head came out of the shadows. But his gaze switched from hers to somewhere elsewhere.

Another growl was heard from her dragon as he slowly placed his head behind Aelora, challenging the other creature. The princess, however, calmed her dragon as she simply glance towards him and brought her hand in the air.

The princess turns back to creature who towered over her as his body came into light. With his green eyes and black scales, Aelora immediately realised who she was facing. A dragon who lets no mercy on his own species. A creature whose first instinct is to destroy and kill. The dragon with scales as black as a coal.

Aelora stood straightly. Even if fear overwhelmed her, she must not show it. The dragon was here for a reason by not eating her now and if her father was right and she does inherit a gift, she must discover it.

"Qilōni...issi ao?" (Who.. are you?) She spoke dumbly, knowing well who he was. The dragon kept growling lowly,

"īlon issi sorry syt disturbing ao, rōvēgrie Cannibal. Yn, nyke līs gīmigon...Skoros iksos ziry bona ao jaelagon hen īlva?" (We are sorry for disturbing you, Great Cannibal. But, I must know...what is it that you wish from us?) She spoke calmly and softly, not wanting to give the dragon any signs of being in danger.

The Cannibal glances down to her as his growls disappear slowly. He leans his head to her and lowers it down as he slightly lowers his head-kneeling to her. Aelora was quite shocked by this and confused.

Until realisation hit her as her eyebrows slowly rise, "Ao emagon chosen issa.." (You have chosen me..) The dragon slowly lets his body rest onto the floor which confused the bronze fury and its rider. But Aelora was correct, it was her he had chosen as his rider.

The princess shared a glance with Vermithor and he motioned her to try and ride the black scaled dragon, knowing he would attack if he had tried something. Aelora, terrified by his appearance, slowly approached him running her fingers against his hard scales. The princess climbed onto him and adjusted herself. As Cannibal felt this, he had motioned to Vermithor to exit the cave as he did so.

With a deep breath, she spoke; "Sōvegon, Cannibal!" (Fly, Cannibal) She ordered. The ground shook as he made his steps towards the edge of the mountain. Vermithor followed behind and the two creatures pushed themselves off the cliff and towards the ground. Aelora let out a scream as they got closer to the ground, shutted her eyes and pinned her body to Cannibal's back,but she never hit the ground. In fact, cold breeze passed her as she had realised, she was in air. Aelora slowly risen herself from his back and turned to Vermithor who flew by her side with a 'smile'.

"I did it.." Aelora let out a laugh as she realised she finally did it. With claiming two giant, wild and war dragons, she was known as the best rider alive. Rider of the two feared dragons who would die for her as she would now for them. Rider who protected them like her own children. Mother of Dragons, Aelora Targaryen.

"I fucking did it!" She shouted happily in the air as she got closer to Dragonstone. The two dragons let out powerful roars, signalling to the guards and her family, they had arrived. Rhaenyra quickly rushed out, in thought they were attacked by the Greens. But, at the sight of her daughter on the Cannibal with Vermithor by their sides, she couldn't help but smile widely.

Daemon, by her side, smirked as he was correct of his suspicions for his daughter being the Dragon Whisperer.

Aemond hasn't left his place by her window as he patiently waited upon her arrival. And after seeing it, he knew she was the one. Aelora is going to be queen. His queen at last.

The two dragons land on the bridge opposite of each other as they shook the whole castle with their weight. Aelora slid down off dragonback and stood between the two dragons with a smile curving up her cheek.

"Kirimvose!" (Thank you!) She spoke loudly and glanced between them. Aelora slowly approached the castle with a smirk, "Issa trēsy.." (my sons)

Aelora barged into the meeting as everyone had heard her arrival, "Daughter.." Rhaenyra breathed out. Aelora held her hand up as she stopped her, "I apologise for interfering in your meeting, your grace. But, I have high suspicions about my brother's flee to Storm's End." She spoke as she had noticed her white-haired prince not in the room.

"What kind of suspicions, princess?" Daemon questioned and cocked his eyebrow as he stood on the end of the table. "A feeling." She stuttered out. Rhaenyra noticed how tense her daughter had became and after returning with two dragons, no rider would be so shaken. "Alright. It is better to be safe. If Lucerys does not return by the morrow, you may go to Storm's End."

"I have another request." Aelora spoke out. Her parents motioned her to speak, "Send a word to Prince Jacaerys..that he can happily fly on dragon back to only Eyrie in the north. As of being next heir for the Iron Throne, I shall fulfill my duties and flee on dragonback and pay a visit to Lord Cregan Stark in Winterfell." Aelora suggested with her hands folded in one another in front of her stomach.

Rhaenyra thought about it and knew the princess was known for her beauty, so it might help in convincing the Wolf of the North. But she must not go alone,

"As your queen and your mother, you are correct and I respect your duties as an heir." Rhaenyra spoke with a sigh as she slid her palm against her dress, "But, you shall not go alone. Choose any of the knights for your own protection."

Aelora looked at her confusingly, "Your Grace, I have dragons." She stated the obvious. "As I had heard the Cannibal does not appear friendly and that will not help to convince any house, my dear. I will send a word to Jacaerys."

Aelora let out a nod and exited the room. She knew what knight would come with her on this journey. The knight who patiently waited for her arrival.

The princess stopped on the doors of her chambers with a sigh. Aelora took a deep breath and entered the room. Not daring to face him, she quickly turned his back to him and closed the entry quickly as she held the handle with her other palm placed on the wooden doors. Aelora straightened up and faced him as she melted upon seeing his shattered expression, "I never said it back." She breathed out and rushed to him. Aelora placed her palms on the sides of his face and pulled him down to her as she smashed her cold lips against his warm ones.

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