meeting nice people

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thinking, "talking", <noise> 

On November 19th two girls were born. They were twins. A mother and a father each held a little girl. "The first one will be named Megami, and the second one will be named Rin." Said the mother smiling at both. 

They then both opened their eyes and Megami's was gold and Rin's was brown just like her parents. While rin held a color in her skin, Megami had a pale color to her skin.

Tsunade who helped deliver them before she left in two days; had to stifle a laugh. While rin was crying Megami was quiet. Megami reminded her of a certain Sanin. 

"It seems you have fraternal twins. They are both very healthy, but it seems Megami has a genetic defect or a gene from a long distant relative. They should be ready to leave within 3 days. Congratulations"

Tsunade watched as the mother who was holding Megami looked at her child with disgust and sat her in the crib the hospital provided and grabbed Rin from her husband and held her with a cheerful smile. 

* Poor kid * Tsunade thought walking out the room.

And that was only the biggening of young Megami's misery. Her parents took care of her till she could walk, talk and was potty trained. 

Which was very early age 3. While rin was still struggling to keep her self-balanced Megami was walking all over the place. As a baby her parents barely gave her attention or showed her love. And never did she cry unless something was wrong.

When she was 3, she was wondering the town while her parents and rin were out shopping for clothes.

 She was super hungry because all she had that morning was miso soup and rice. And it was currently lunch time. She was walking till she saw a ramen shop and went to go peek in. She was a shy child by nature.

So, she stood there for an hour wanting to say something but was too shy. Teuchi saw her and waited for everyone to leave, and he called her in.

 "hey there. Come on in. I won't yell at you." She hesitantly stared at him before slowly walking in.

When she had shimmied her way up the stool and sat, he saw how small she was, she was thin and small. "what's your name?" he asked, turning around to make ramen. "Megami Nohara...... I'm 3." She said while watching him from over the counter.

"Where are your parents? Does anyone know you are here?" "My parents are out shopping with my twin sister." She said looking at her hands. 

"Why aren't you with them?" he asks while finishing up the ramen. "Mom says I'm not supposed to say what goes on behind closed doors." She tries not to sound rude.

Right when he sits down the bowl of ramen a person with yellow hair and blue eyes walks in. Teuchi gives him a big smile "Young Minato! What brings you here?!" When Teuchi yelled Megami flinched slightly. 

Being a ninja Minato saw this and refrained from yelling back while he sat next to Megami. "I am meeting up with kushina for lunch before we must go on a mission. Who is this?" he asked, looking at Megami. 

"This is little Megami. Her parents are out shopping with her twin sister. She's three" Teuchi replied giving Minato a pointed look.

Minato now understood. When he looked down at Megami she was struggling picking up the ramen with the chopsticks. Teuchi was turned around making ramen for Minato and many more for kushina who just walked in.

 "Hi Teuchi-San!" now kushina was a natural loudmouth so she was louder than Teuchi. In this case Megami not only flinched but also covered her ears. "Oh. I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to be loud." 

She walked up to Megami to pat her head, but Megami just flinched away holding her hands over her head to block. This worried kushina and Minato.

"I'm sorry if I scared you. I really did not mean to. I was just trying to pat your head." She said sitting on the other side of Megami. 

"Oh. Sorry" "no need to apologize. Do you need help?" Minato asked pointing towards the ramen. 

Megami blushed slightly out of embarrassment and nodded shyly. Before he could reach for the bowls kushina did. "I'll help you. I feel a little bad for scaring you." 

She spoke sweetly. She fed Megami a bite and after she took a bite her eyes shined, and she had a bright smile on her face. "Umai!" she yelled. They all burst out laughing.

After that day she would go to ichiraku ramen every Saturday to eat with Minato and kushina. She even asked kushina & Minato teach her how to cook. So, by the age of 4 she learned how to cook for herself.


when the plot armor got to be thick. it just gets better. i have had this in my docs for the longest of times. im now just getting the courage of posting it.

Anyways! stay safe and live life XOXO 99_livesss

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