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thinking, "talking", <noise> 

When she was five, she had left her house early one morning to get away from her parents.

She was walking for a while when she saw a snake stuck in a ditch. She slowly approached it and bent down. When the snake caught sight of her it hissed at her. 

"Do you need help? The ditch is quite slippery since it rained last night." She stuck her hand out to the snake. She could tell it was not poisonous by the colors and its head shape.

The snake stared at her hand for a second and slithered up and raping itself around her hand. "I'm about to move don't freak out please." She then stood up.

 She was in the city part near a few clan estates. So, she had to go further back. "Please forgive me. I must walk for a bit to get you somewhere safe."

From the size and color of the snake she could tell the snake liked to be in wet areas with tall grass.

It was 30 minutes in when she started to go near an estate isolated by itself. It was near the woods, during the time walking the snake she had picked up had started moving around her. It settled on her upper arm under her kimono sleeve.

She has passed this one a lot wandering around, and she knew no one had been here for a while. Some say it had belonged to the snake Sanin who went on to travel a while back. 

When she came upon the gate, she saw many snakes in the yard. *that's weird. They weren't here when I came by last week. *

When she tried to step onto the property all of them looked at her and bowed up. She Bowd 90 degrees "I'm sorry to intrude but I mean no harm for I am here to put a snake in a safe place."

 It was as if they were conversing with themselves before, they all laid back on the ground ignoring her as she walked. She watched her step as she walked, as to not step on any tails. 

And when she crossed a bigger snake, she bowed slightly. * This is weird. Most of these snakes are territorial and would kill other snakes if in the same area as them. *

When she finally got into the backyard of the estate, she saw a small pond with tall grass on the other side. Since she was watching her step she had missed the man sitting on the engawa drinking tea and reading a scroll.

 "Excuse me" she said before she kneeled. This caught his attention. The snakes moved so she could do so. "Arigato." She then reached in her sleeve and pulled out the snake.

"Sorry you had to wait so long for me to bring you some place safe. I heard from others that this is the snake Sanin's estate. They say he left a while back to travel. 

So, I'm going to leave you here." The snake leaned its body up and licked her nose as a kiss to say thank you. She smiled and placed him on the ground. But then a poisonous snake approached her.


Honestly i had got this idea from some fanfics i was inspired by. i don't remember who they were by but if you see any similarity's let me know so i can go back and see if it's that one and give the author credit for the idea. And if you paid attention to the prolog then you know who this is.

Anyways! Be safe and live life XOXO 99_livesss

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