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Quackity stands on the deck in his coat watching the dark water.
The sky really affects the color of the water and how safe it seems...
He can't even imagine swimming in that, then he remembers he's supposed to be meeting the other man Wilbur out here. Except he doesn't appear to be on the deck, he's late.

Quackity retraces his steps inside, he's not watching where he's going and smacks right into someone.

"Oops- sorry" he starts to say before looking at who he had walked into.

"Oh hey" Wilbur says, "come to find me?"

"You said meet on the deck" Quackity replies quickly stepping back from him.

"That's where I was going" the taller male replies, "so you wanna walk there or talk in the hall?"

"The deck is preferred" Quackity replies.

"Ok" Wilbur shrugs.

The two start to walk side by side silently down the hall, Quackity feels a little self conscious on their height difference but he won't say anything, he just hopes no one else in the hallway notices or comments.
He's always getting compared to tall friends and although he wouldn't call Wilbur a friend it probably appears that way.

"So" Wilbur says as they arrive at the deck, "you don't seem British first of all."

"I'm not" Quackity replies, "I'm Mexican, my parents moved before I was born."

"Mexican..." Wilbur nods, "I mean I'm British obviously."

"I can tell" Quackity replies then gazes out over the water.

"So why are you on the cruise?" Wilbur asks, "going to America?"

"No, actually just here for the whole round trip" Quackity shrugs, "and you?"

"Yeah me too" Wilbur agrees then his eyes seem to sparkle.

"Ever get seasick?"

"No...? Do you?" Quackity raises his eyebrows.

"Nah" Wilbur replies, "ever seen a mermaid?"

"These are rediculous questions, obviously no" Quackity rolls his eyes then gets slightly curious. "Have you ever seen a mermaid?"

"Hmm maybe I have" Wilbur shrugs, "I know my past girlfriend claimed to see mermaids."

"Why'd you break up?" Quackity asks.

"Its kinda a sore subject for me" the taller replies finally.

(This is Sally not Shubble related)

"Oh Ok, reasonable, I don't even want to think about my last breakup" Quackity replies.

Unfortunately now he is thinking about it, the last guy he dated was rich but an alcoholic, that didn't go well and eventually Quackity called out his treatment and left. Not before enduring lots of verbal harassment and one of the wine bottles smashing one night and cutting him bad.

Suddenly he becomes aware of the taller male moving closer to him.

"What is this, what are you doing?"

Wilbur shrugs,

"Shh" he replies.

"Why shh?" Quackity asks.

He shrugs again.

Quackity is starting to get very annoyed with his behavior, no one just invites you to hang out only to ask silly questions and be very vague.
They both fall silent staring out at the water, Quackity thinks he should just go back inside.

"Actually" Wilbur says finally, "I was wondering if these were your type of thing" he puts a hand in his pocket pulling out some earrings, shaped in pretty blue teardrops. Definitely a woman's earrings.

"No" Quackity replies, "why would I have those?"

"I was just wondering" Wilbur shrugs, "I noticed you have your ears peirced" he gestures.

Quackity blinks,

"How did you..."

Then he remembers he'd pulled his hair back tonight, he had forgotten to take it out. Wilbur must be very observant though...

"Here, take them" Wilbut sets the earrings in Quackity's palm, "I think they'd suit you, or you could sell them."

Quackity stares at the earrings, now he's got two gifts, the ring from Foolish and now these earrings, where did Wilbur even find them...?

"Um, thanks" he slips them into his pocket.

"You'd be really pretty if you were a woman" Wilbur says nonchalantly.

Quackity stares,

Is that his way of saying he would like me if I was a woman?

He studies the taller male's expression but it gives no answers, they've only known each other for 2 days...
Finally Quackity decides to say goodnight and make his escape.
Once in his room he slowly pulls the earrings from his pocket, he sits down and tries them on, he stares at himself in the mirror. He actually kinda likes them but he would never admit it, especially to the one who gave them.

He takes the earrings out, setting them down then gets ready for bed. He's planning to stay up late tomorrow night, maybe have some wine, party.
So he might as well get a good rest tonight.

Wilbur POV

Wilbur heads into the breakfast area a little later, he's planning on talking with some of the girls there before annoying Quackity like usual.
He walks over to the table where the woman who seem to like him usually sit.

Then all the sudden a familiar voice asks,


The voice makes his blood run cold, he turns and sees the ex he was talking about to Quackity the other night standing behind him.


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