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AEMOND UNDERSTOOD what she had wanted as she had gotten closer and closer to him

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what she had wanted as she had gotten closer and closer to him. The princess crashed into the wall with her back as the tension had risen in the room. Aelora felt hungry as much as her dragons and Aemond is going to be her meal tonight as much as she is going to be his. But, the prince needed an approval to continue,

"Say it." He whispered out softly as he hadn't parted himself from her. At the silence, the prince parted away from her breathless as much as she was. Aelora, with her hands beside his cheek, glanced down to his lips and back to his eye.

She leans him down to her level as she whispered weakly into his ear, "Nyke jorrāelagon ao, Aemond.." ( I need you, Aemond) She whispered and slid her palm down to his belt as she pulled his waist closer to her. Aemond towered over her as he saw the begging in her eyes,

"Nyke jorrāelagon ao naejot fuck issa, my love." (I need you to fuck me, my love) Aelora whispered out which was a green light to the prince. Aemond grabbed her head aggressively, but not too hard to get her hurt, as he connected their lips again. Aelora wrapped her arms around his neck as she was lifted from the ground into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his lower waist as her clit rubbed against his hard cock. Aemond let out a breathless moan as he unzipped her clothes which made the princess giggle at the feeling of his cold fingers on her back.

Aemond carefully placed her onto the bed which gave Aelora time to undress him as his one hand was placed onto the bed assuring his balance with his other palm sliding down her thigh. The two undressed each other quickly as Aemond pulled away from her and towered over her. She couldn't get more beautiful than she is now. Aelora placed her hand onto his eyepatch which made the prince glance to her arm,

"Ao issi vok isse issa laesi, issa vēzos se hūra. Nyke find ao special, daor scarred.." (You are perfect in my eyes, my sun and moon. I find you special, not scarred.) She whispered in High Valyrian as Aemond allowed her to take it off as she did so carefully. After seeing her smile lovingly, Aemond let himself smile for the first time. A truthful smile.

The prince continued with giving his queen pleasure as he left soft kisses o on her neck, but stopped at the sight of the scar that reached over her right shoulder. Aemond felt guilty by hurting her that night, but she was left with a scar as much as he was, but with each other they felt whole. The princess let out a pleasant moan as Aemond sucked on the healed scar.

Aelora ran her hand down his body and reached his hard cock who was waiting to get to her insides. The princess positioned it and aligned it with her cunt which was a sign to Aemond who slowly placed it inside. Aelora's mouth parted open as Aemond began slowly which by his size made her go to another galaxy.

Aelora gripped onto his back and slid her nails against his skin which soon left scratches on him. "Faster.." She whispered out. Aemond obeyed and slid in and out faster, slowly enhancing his speed and strength. "Aemond!" She moaned out and snapped her head backwards as he thrusted his whole cock inside of her. Aemond placed his palm and pressed it against her mouth,

"You really are a loud one.."

Aelora let out a dark chuckle at his words as she held his wrist and moved his hand away. This made Aemond stop, "Are you saying..you know how loud other women are?" She whispered with her threatening eyes and placed her elbows on the bed as she got closer into his face. She was danger that attracted him even more. "I will let Vermithor feed on any woman you touch after me, am I understood?" She questioned and cocked her eyebrow at him.

Aemond let out a hum with a smirk. The princess connected their lips again and pulled his hair which made him turn onto his back. Aelora was now in the lead which shocked the prince. He noticed the smirk she was wearing after separating her lips from his. Aelora positioned herself onto his cock again and slowly slid down her cunt against it.

The princess bit her lip and placed her palms onto his chest as she slowly began to move her waist. Aemond slid his hands against her thighs and placed them onto her lower waist as he watched her pleasure herself on his lap.

Aelora slowly switched positions and placed her chest against his as she gave him one last glance before sliding her cunt up and down on his cock. Aemond moved his head back which gave Aelora a chance to kiss his neck as she did so. This made Aemond harden his touch on her waist as he held her and thrusted into her faster and harder. Aelora shut her eyes close, "F-fuck." she moaned out into his ear as Aemond continued with the pace after slowly slowing down.

"You feel so good, Aelora.." He groaned out. Aelora smirked at how weak she had him and placed her palm onto his cheek as she placed her sweated forehead against his temple. "Aemond.." She signalled out to him that she was close to the edge with a moan as Aemond was too.

"Say it. Say it back." Aemond requested breathlessly. Aelora adjusted their foreheads against each other as they both had shut eyes and parted lips by the pleasure they were giving each other. "I love you, Aemond. I love you so fucking much." She spoke.

With a smirk and multiple thrusts from Aemond, Aelora sat up as her head snapped backwards with a moan that was not that loud by the bit of her lower lip. Aemond had placed his warm liquid inside of her as the princess rested on him, both of them catching breaths.

Aelora threw herself beside him on the bed as Aemond glanced to her as she kept her gaze on the dark ceiling. After a moment, her gaze fell onto him as a their laughters filled the room. Aelora placed a soft kiss onto his healed scar and placed her forehead against his while Aemond caressed her forearm.

"I hope I can give you the love you found yourself unworthy of." Aemond spoke which made the princess smile, "Thank you, Aemond. For everything." Aelora answered softly.

I am sorry if this isn't good, I'm writing nsfw stuff for the first time😭

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