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ANIYAH KENNEDY"be so serious right now

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"be so serious right now.."


ANIYAH interlinked her arm with notti as they exited the deli. she was hanging out with him for the day, and now they were on their way to go pick up ddot so they could go back to the house.

"it's dummy hot out here bro." aniyah said fanning herself off as notti laughed. "we almost there." notti said fanning aniyah off aswell as she sighed loudly.

they then spotted ddot in the distance before quickly going over towards him. "hey yall." ddot said hugging the two before they started walking.

"i can't wait to lay in dd's bed, it's so comfortable for no reason." aniyah said as the two boys laughed at her.

"cmon let's hurry, it's hot!" aniyah complained as the two followed the girl to the house.

a few minutes later the three finally made it to the house as notti unlocked the door. and it was very quiet in the house before they heard a loud cry from upstairs.

"the fuck?" ddot said as aniyah and notti laughed before they quickly went upstairs to see what the noise was.

notti opened the door to dd's room as the three of them saw lori laid next to dd who had his arm around her. and they both were now looking at the three.

dd's eyes immediately locked with aniyah's who was looking at him like he was the most dumbest person in the world.

"nah i'm done." ddot said throwing his hands up as he quickly went downstairs. notti looked at aniyah who was looking at dd before she forwarded her attention to notti.

"cmon let's go." aniyah said quietly while going downstairs as notti nodded before looking back at dd who had guilt written all over his face.

notti then closed the door as he headed downstairs where aniyah and ddot were.

dd quickly got up from the bed as lori scoffed loudly. "um? i was comfortable!" lori said as dd rolled his eyes. he slid his slides on before going downstairs with everybody else.

soon as dd made it downstairs, he examined the room for aniyah. and she was sitting on the couch eating her snacks next to ddot who was stealing from her bag.

dd heard aniyah laughing as his heart felt a bit at ease. she wasn't mad, atleast he didn't think.

"aniyah."'dd called from the bottom of the stairs as all three of their heads turned to the boy. as soon as aniyah locked eyes with dd she turned her head back to the tv ignoring his presence.

"for real niy? you ignoring me?" dd asked crossing his arms as he walked over to the group.

"can we talk ova' here?" dd asked aniyah as she sighed loudly before getting up and handing her bag to ddot who took it happily

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