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DD and aniyah exited the classroom as they started heading towards the vending machine. (yes ik they always go, but damn it ain't shit else for them to do at school 😭😭😭)

it had been a good two weeks, and aniyah and dd were closer than ever. they decided to trust eachother to the max, and now they were testing it out.

sure there was times aniyah had to check him about things to make sure he wasn't doing anything sneaky, but he never was and she was satisfied in the end.

"i'm so hungry i could eat at arby's." aniyah said rubbing her stomach as dd almost immediately looked at her in disgust.

"oh you really hungry.." dd said as him and aniyah then started laughing. she pushed him slightly before interlinking their hands.

dd then turned his head and examined aniyah who was looking ahead of them. he was so in love with the girl, and he wouldn't trade her for anybody else in the world.


lori watched aniyah and dd holding hands as she looked at them with shock all over her face. did her plan seriously not work?

lori balled her fists up as she internally screamed in her head. why couldn't she just get the boy back?

lori then looked back over seeing dd was now by himself. and she figured this was the perfect opportunity to go up to him once again.

lori made her way over to the smiling dd as she stood behind him. she then tapped him on the shoulder as dd turned around quickly thinking it was aniyah.

"hell nah." dd said with a scrunched up face as he quickly faced the other way. lori then groaned loudly before tapping him repeatedly.

"get the fuck off me bro." dd spat out as he moved away from her. dd learned from last time, he wasn't about to let lori fuck his relationship up once again.

"can you pay attention to me please?" lori asked crossing her arms as dd completely ignored her existence. he then got onto his phone pretending she wasn't there.

aniyah looked at the two from the corner as she ate her mentos. lori was really trying her hardest, and it was honestly funny.

she let out a snicker seeing lori repeatedly talking, and dd continuing to ignore her.

and it was satisfying to her how dd pushed lori away constantly. and she just kept on talking.

"dd stop ignoring me! i said i was sorry!" lori said loudly as dd let out a loud laugh. it was pathetic, lori was making a fool out of herself once again.

aniyah just rolled her eyes before going up to the two. she couldn't watch the interaction anymore, it was just getting more and more embarrassing.

aniyah went behind dd as she let out a loud snicker causing the two to turn their heads towards her.

lori rolled her eyes quickly at the sight of aniyah as she crossed her arms. dd then wrapped one arm around aniyah's waist before planting a kiss on her lips.

and lori quickly looked at the two with her mouth slightly parted in disbelief.

"since when-stop talking to him, you clearly see he keep ignoring you." aniyah said in a duh tone as lori sat there still shocked.

"lori we not getting back together, let me go." dd said as lori sat there with tears welling up into her eyes. she couldn't believe this was happening.

there was clearly nothing left for lori to do but accept it. maybe they just weren't meant to be.

fine.." lori said quietly as aniyah and dd looked at her confused. was she actually willing to leave them alone?

lori then turned around in defeat as she headed back to where she came from. and aniyah watched in satisfaction.

"well that was easier than i thought." aniyah said shrugging as dd laughed. they then went back to the classroom hand in hand finally being done with the drama.

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