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ANIYAH KENNEDY"i'm literally dying

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"i'm literally dying."


ANIYAH rolled over to her side as she graoedn loudly. she was sick once again, but this time it wasn't as bad as last time.

"i can't breathee." aniyah complained to literally no one as the silence of her apartment took over the little to no noise. she wanted to be at school with her friends, but she was still suspended, and sick.

she had gotten a few calls by dd ever since last night. and he kept texting her saying why wasn't she answering.

but aniyah just didn't have the energy to pick up her phone and text back, she was very weak right now.

aniyah yawned as she then closed her eyes and laid her head down attempting to drift off to sleep. the others didn't even know she was sick either, she didn't have the energy to tell them she was.

she was almost there aswell, before her phone started ringing loudly causing her to open her eyes.

aniyah sighed before she reached her arm out and finally bent over and grabbed her phone. it was all the way at the end of her leg, and she just couldn't grab it.

"finally." aniyah said as she quickly answered the phone without looking at the caller id.

"hello..?" aniyah said with her voice raspy and dry. "aniyah? you good? where you at? why you not at school?" dd asked her all at once as she just sat there quietly.

"calm down d, i'm at home sick." aniyah said laying her head back down into her pillow with a small sigh.

dd let out a sigh himself as he checked the time on his apple watch. it was still the start of the day, but he was ready to leave and check on aniyah. she didn't sound all too well

her voice was raspy, and it sounded like she was dehydrated. maybe dd would have to leave school early to tend to her.

and since he was a senior, he could leave early without having to get checked out by anybody.

"you need me to come? ima bring you some soup and water." dd said in a worried tone as aniyah let out a stiff laugh.

she then shook her head before speaking. "it's okay dd, i'm alright i'll get up in a few." aniyah said lying, she could barely open her mouth to speak from how dry it was.

"you don't sound good, ima come in 30 minutes ight?" dd said as aniyah shook her head before sighing.

"dd seriously i'm fine." aniyah said as dd just ignored her. "don't move and stop talkin, i feel like im on the phone with a old lady." dd said as aniyah mugged her head back.

"dickhead." aniyah replied as dd just laughed at her reaction. "ight im on my way, sit still and i love you." dd said as he then hung up.

and that three letter word made aniyah smile more than she anticipated.

she didn't have any choice but to sit still and wait for dd to come tend to her. even though she told him he didn't have to, she was glad he was coming. because she felt like she was gonna pass out anytime soon.


aniyah lifted her head up due to the sound of the door unlocking. dd was able to get in because of the spare key aniyah had given him a few weeks ago.

"i'm here ma." dd said as he sat the bottles of water and food he got onto the counter. he figured aniyah had been in her bed all day, so she would have to sit down at the table.

dd shook his head as he heard no movement coming from the bedroom. he quickly speed walked to the door before opening it and seeing aniyah sleeping.

her mouth was parted slightly, and her hair was covering her face. "damn ma, you look dead." dd said as aniyah lifted up slightly seeing the boy.

"that's rude.." aniyah whispered as dd moved his lips to the corner of his face. "you right, im sorry." dd said apologizing as aniyah let out a small dry laugh.

"cmon, let's come eat." dd said as aniyah nodded her head slowly before dd helped her get out of the bed.

dd and aniyah made their way back to the bedroom as he helped her get in. aniyah felt more comfortable and relaxed now that she had food in her system, and her mouth wasn't dry anymore.

dd grabbed an extra water bottle for her just incase she got thirsty and didn't feel like moving.

"alright cmon." dd said smiling a bit at aniyah as she climbed to the top of her bed, she felt more energized now.

dd then climbed in besides her as she laid her head down onto his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her body.

"thank you.." aniyah said quietly referring to everything dd did today as he let out a small laugh.

"you welcome ma, ima always take care of you." dd said in a honest tone as aniyah smiled lightly before quickly drifting off to sleep.

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