Quiet Ride

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Our drive for a new home was taking longer then we assumed, hours and hours going by staring out the dirty car windows in silence. Days and days spent wasting away in the back of a van, letting my mind go numb with boredom. Even when we stopped for gas out of other cars it felt like time was dragging on and taking us with it.

I was in the very back with Carl on my left and Judith on my right. Judith was out sleeping soundly, wrapped in my jacket and a blanket , snuggled up against the seat all cosy like. She seemed peaceful, like the last good thing left in this world.

Carl on the other hand was leaning against the window, holding his chin with his hand and staring outside absentmindedly. He yawned every so often but never tried to close his eyes and sleep. Maggie, Glen and Carol were asleep in the row in front of us, with Rick driving and Michonne sat in the passenger seat.

After a while when clouds had covered the sun and the day continued on, I felt my exhaustion from the last few days catching up to me. I'd spent so much time awake, caring for Judith and working with the group that I'd begun to neglect myself.

I'd dozed off once or twice for a few minutes, trying to let myself drift into sleep but I could never get comfortable. I'd lull my head to the side and catch myself, waking unintentionally.

I looked over at Carl once and found my already looking at me, his body positioned to catch me if my head fell. When he noticed me notice him, he moved back to looking out the window, pulling his hat down a bit to cover the side of his face.

It was about an hour later when I was in between being awake and being asleep when I saw Carl looking at me from the corner of my eye. I pretended not to see him, staring at the back of Maggie's head. I shut my eyes and took a deep breathe, letting my head move to the left like I was falling asleep.

I heard him shift beside me and felt his arm move behind my head, the warmth of his breathe on my ear.

"Y/n?" He whispered, butterfly's fluttering in my stomach.

I hummed in response and opened my eyes lazily, looking up at him. He was so close to me, the tips of his hair was touching my forehead as he tipped his hat up.

"Do you want to lean on me?" He asked, his blue eyes holding a gentle gaze.


"Do you want to lean on me, so you can get some sleep." He repeated.

"Mhmm" I nodded.

He placed his right hand on my shoulder and pulled me towards him, guiding me to lay against his chest. I placed my head between his neck and shoulder, snuggling close and breathing in his scent.

He slid down a bit and put his knees against the seat in front of him, grabbing my own knees and lifting the over his lap. After we both settle, he mumbled "hold on", reached onto the floor and grabbed his jacket. Just as he draped it over me, Michonne put a CD into the cd player, the beginning of Clair De Lune on piano began playing quietly around us.

After that we slept together in that position, comfortable and safe in each others arms for hours on end.

Felt like doing a cute one and now we have this, hope y'all enjoyed it!
Toodles 😘

Carl Grimes OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now