Meet me in the night.

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Quick Authors Note: some of these won't follow the path of the series, some will. This one has a few bit that don't align with the show but make sense to the one shot. If that ain't your thing, then maybe this one shots book isn't for you.

Carls POV

I left the note folded carefully on Y/N's doorstep in Alexandria, my quiet knock on the door causing a light inside to come on. I hopped down off the porch and into the tree line, watching as the door opened slowly.

Y/N stepped out slowly, looking around cautiously as her bare foot stepped on to the paper. She stopped and looked down it, confusion washing over her. I felt my own excitement rise as she reached down and picked it up, looking around and then going back into her house.

I'd known her for nearly 4 months now and hadn't spoken more than two sentences to her. Dad didn't trust her mother or sister, he tried to keep us as separated from them as he could, while still keeping the peace in town. I'd seen her off on runs before, she was fast and strong, stronger than anyone else I knew. And she was damn good shot. Took out two walkers from 200 feet away when I met her, she saved my life that day.

Since then I'd wanted to know her, I'd admired her from a distance for long enough. But I never knew what to say when I did try to approach her, so I'd usually walk past her pretending I hadn't seen her. So, the note was my next option.

My confession was within, and if she even felt a sliver of similar feelings towards me, than she would leave on the porch with her reply inside.

My excitement started to turn to anxiousness when the light inside the house turned off, the sudden though if her ignoring it enter my mind, along with many other thoughts.

I was about to move out of the tree line when the front door opened, a hand placing the re folded paper down on the ground came through before it closed without a sound. I waited a few moments before retrieving it.

I moved back to my place in the tree line and opened it, and my excitement only grew. The side door to Y/N's house opened and closed quickly.


I moved out of the house quietly, closing the side door loud enough for Carl to hear in the tree line. I'd seen him peek out when u turned the light inside off, I had to be sure it was him.

I'd waited weeks for him to so much as look at me, say something, even just stand near me without needing to take a few steps away. I'd craved his attention, wished he'd be put in a run with me, but it never came and I do ever mentioned him, my mother would have a hissy fit.

I stepped outside and took a look around, seeing no one I ran quickly into the tree line behind the house, and through the fencing that had yet to be properly reinforced. The wind was warm, as the mid summer night carried me towards the small abandoned barn I'd frequented on my days without chores.

Amongst the moss and overgrown trees, I moved up the old wooden ladder and into the hayloft, checking for any walkers inside before hopping down into one of the old stalls.

The small cot and chest is left in the stall were dust covered from my lack of return. I hadn't been back in nearly two weeks, I'd become so busy after proving my speed and agility on a run with Michonne, that u was our nearly everyday.

I sat down and waited quietly, remembering what I'd written in my reply to Carl.

'I've been hoping you felt something for me, anything at all, but I want to speak to you in person, not on paper.
Meet me in the abandon barn on the outskirts of town, the one you and Daryl found me and my family in during the winter. I'll be there as soon as you hear the side door close, please come, I need to see you.'

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