wolf amongst rats

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kamurocho . on the outside , a shimmering gem of the east that few other places dare to match . though on the inside it's a cesspool , filled to the brim with rats that fight amongst eachother in alleys and pigs that scheme behind closed doors and gorge themselves on the gains of others . to some living in such a place is paradise , to others it leaves one sick to the stomach and some simply don't care as they do what they must to get by .

4 December 2005

a shady deal in some tucked away alley was no rarity in the gleaming district of kamurocho . just out of the public eye , but not out of earshot . nobody would intervene , not even the police if you flash the right amount of notes in their face .

though this deal wasn't a sweet and easy little payday , in fact quite the opposite as it had gone sour . not in the sense of a disagreement on price or a no show of clientele . rather the appearance of a rowdy teen that currently loomed over a bloody noised yakuza .

" you fucking brat ! you'll regret thi- ! " a cowardly threat that was swiftly cut of by a hand gripping the yakuza's face and slamming his head into the ground , a pained yell following after .

" all you yakuza rats are the same . " came a voice , originating from the teen that had just smashed this poor bastards head into the concrete , his tone low and calm yet laced with an underling barb .

the teen stood up again after pulling some cash from the dazed yakuza's pocket , before another yell pierced his ears .

" just you wait ! you'll learn not to fuck with the kaza- ! " another empty threat silenced , as the teens foot stomped down on a head that might as well be considered empty , knocking the loud mouthed yakuza out cold .

the teen clicked his tongue and looked over the alley , seeing the other yakuza strung about , all bloody and unconscious . one's leg noticeably pointed in the wrong direction .

" damn rats . " the teen muttered before pocketing what cash he had scrounged up from the yakuza family men .

this teen was (y/n) your every day kamurocho delinquent that is out picking fights when they should be locked in at home and studying at this time . though (y/n) could care less about studies , the thought of school a distant memory from years back before having dropped out .

the silence of the alley and his own thoughts were immediately drowned out as (y/n) exited the alleyway , immediately tucking his hands in the pockets of his hoodie to hide his bloodied knuckles . didn't want worried eyes and hushed whispers directed at him right now . his skin already crawled in discomfort from having to navigate the large crowd , (e/c) eyes darting back and forth as a sense of paranoia creeped up his spine . it felt so tight , like there wasn't enough space to do anything amongst the crowd .

'i shouldn't stay longer than i have to'

a simple thought with a reason even he didn't understand . a thought happily obliged as his feet moved himself at a quicker pace now . many barkers approached with coupons and exaggerated promises of their business . all but ignored by the teen as he practically marched forward .

his pallete itched for something , though not just anything . (y/n) knew what this craving was and made his way to a place that he could help to sate it . lucky for him that said place was where he had to drop off the money he just got . as he approached the turn from the corner of public park 3 that lead down tenkaichi street , until stopping in front of a particular club


generally a place he wouldn't be welcomed , for the fact the target audience was not of his sex and the fact he was 3 years under the drinking age . well not his problem , if he was lucky enough , the client he was meant to meet here would probably slip him a glass of something if they were feeling generous .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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