Chapter 3

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I stood up almost all night. My eyes were tired, and they felt like they just wanted to black out on me. I mean, who wouldn't? I had to keep watch of this mousebrain, our prisoner, DarkTalon. I exhaled, looking in his direction. He was inside the cage, curled up in a ball. All I know is that he surely ain't going to be like that any moment now. The leader wanted this big fellow to fight our strongest warriors.

 Ain't he a special guy! I purred to myself, perking up my ears as I heard paw steps. I looked forward, "Hello, Magpie," I greeted, "Morning, Avian. I see you did an excellent job as always," The tom-cat purred, flicking his tail. I nodded briefly, "It was nothing." I smiled. Although, I knew that was a lie. It was everything. I lost my sleep. My wonderful sleep. For all I know, I might randomly go unconscious. 

"Why don't you gather around with the other cats in the clearing? Get prepared for the battle ahead," He purred mischievously. I rose onto my paws without hesitation, "Yes, Magpie." I obeyed, bowing my head respectfully before padding off. I had to admit, I never liked seeing bloodshed, but this must be an interesting battle. This guy is huge! He has to be the most muscular tom-cat I've ever seen in my entire life.

 And I had to see this battle! I just had to. As I arrived at the clearing, I sat nearby Acorn since it was the only area to sit in. All the other cats already took over the great spots. I should've gotten here sooner. Now I'm sitting with the most annoying cat. "Feeling kind now, are we?" Acorn teased, "No. Not even one bit," I murmured, trying to hold in my growl, "Oh, admit it! You love me," He rubbed himself against me. 

In an instant, I immediately shoved him to the ground, "In your dreams!" I bared my teeth, watching him lay on the ground on his side, "Rude much!" He flattened his ears, hissing at me. I ignored him, only examined his movements as he rose back into a sitting position.

 "You know, most she-cats are nicer," He pouted in a low voice, "Well, guess what? Too bad too sad. I ain't a nice she-cat!" I snarled, "More like a grumpy she-cat. What are you? One hundred moons?" He replied angrily, "Nope. I'm just the cat to keep you in your pl-" A cat hissed beside us.

 "Shut up! It's about to start," The orange she-cat complained, "I don't want to hear your bickering!" She added. Well, no one told you to listen! You furbra - "Everyone!" Magpie shouted. It caught my attention and I quickly looked up. He stood on top of the box in a tall stance, the Thunderclan warrior walking in the circle we made. 

He didn't seem so happy. But who would be? I honestly don't blame DarkTalon, "This is the moment we've all been waiting for. This Thunderclan cat, is the deputy of his clan. The strongest, and experienced," He announced proudly, "And today, he fights our strongest warriors amongst us all. He was the only one that stood up, rather than all of you," He eyed the cats like they were roaches, "I pronounce, Amaruq!" he yowled.

 A large white tom-cat stepped out from behind the box. He was an inch taller than the Thunderclan cat, and his eyes were a piercing blue, along with black paws and a torn ear. His body was included. It had an abundance of scars. I even wondered what this guy been through. Amaruq straightened his stance and I swallowed. 

There was no way DarkTalon could defeat this guy! I quickly looked at the Thunderclan deputy, I could smell the fear illuminating from him but surprisingly, he readied his stance, "If I die," He began. 

"I would die a warrior!" He yowled, running forward. I watched intensely, examining the fight. Amaruq bit his scruff, rearing on his hind legs and slamming DarkTalon on the ground. I could've sworn I heard a small crack too! I swallowed. DarkTalon hissed in pain and I watched as Amaruq climbed on top of him, raising his outstretched paw. However, in an instant, I notice DarkTalon's claws slide from Amaruq's chest to his stomach. 

The tom-cat hissed in pain, backing up immediately. DarkTalon must've took this opportunity because he scrambled onto his paws, and in a swift movement, he pounced forward. Instead of landing a bite on the tom's throat, he landed on his back. His claws unsheathed and he dug them into his back. Amaruq let out a pained shriek and jerked himself left and right. 

I was quite surprised. This tom-cat didn't give up! "You can do it, DarkTalon!" I cheered. I could've sworn I saw my clan members give me a dirty look, but I didn't care. They can suck their own fur if they don't agree with me. This is my opinion whether they liked it or not. Suddenly, Amaruq rolled on his back, slamming DarkTalon off. I almost cringed, that must've hurt. Amaruq then raked his claws across DarkTalon's side.

 DarkTalon yowled, I could've sworn it echoed through my ears. My clan members cheered on Amaruq, "Amaruq!" They shouted, rising onto their paws. I kept watching. All the blood that was splattered on the ground, DarkTalon was bleeding intensely. There was no way he was going to survive if DarkTalon finished the job off.

 I watched as Amaruq raised his head proudly. It seemed he was enjoying the attention. He then raised his paw, claws unsheathed and dripping with blood. I don't know what snapped over me... But I couldn't let this happen! What was wrong with me? Watching a bloodshed fight? I leaped forward, my jaws snapping on Amaruq's leg. 

Amaruq shrieked, slashing my cheek. I let out a yelp, falling on my back. In an instant, he was on top of me, his weight on me, "Avian, what are you doing?" I heard Magpie shout, "Saving the deputy from the brink of death?" He growled, "I can't just let him die!" I snarled, "Let him die!" Magpie shouted furiously, "Amaruq, get off her. Now." He ordered. Amaruq slowly got off. 

"Avian, you are having a talk with me alone in the evening," He narrowed his eyes and leaped off the rock. I rolled onto my paws, looking around with slight embarrassment as the cats stared at me with disgust, "Traitor!" One screamed from the crowd. I ignored that comment, letting out a sigh. I look behind myself, helping DarkTalon up, "Come on," I murmured. 

I led him outside the prison and laid him in front of me. I trailed my tongue over his fresh wounds, cleaning the blood off, "You know.." He started, "You didn't have to help me. You should've had me die like a true warrior," he growled, "But I thank you." He huffed at the end. I smirked, and stopped cleaning his wounds.

 "Die like a true warrior? You mean let you die knowing that you were going to die? Now, now. I can't let that happen," I purred, "You just disrupt my honorable code," He'll snarl, "Well... Can't let that happen..Yet." I added, completely ignoring his remark, "Seriously?" he rolled his eyes, "Seriously," I reply in a soothing voice.

 I had almost forgotten the embarrassment I felt in the clearing. I heard him laugh a bit, "You're not like my clan mates," he grinned, "Well, sure I ain't. I'm me, the one and only!" I raised my head proudly, "Sure you are. You are the one and only," He laughed a little bit more. "Hey! You're opening up for me, look at you, a smile on your face," I gave a toothy grin. He frowned, "Don't jinx it," He growled.

"Oh, I most definitely will," I chortled.

"I know you will," He replied lowly.

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