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just a re-upload bc i accidentally deleted it 😬


୨⎯  WEEK 1 ⎯୧
day 1. monday

"c'mon!" you urged your brother with a scowl. you had just finished unpacking your suitcase, your clothes neatly folded in the cabins, your shampoo and conditioner in the shower, etc.

terushima, however was still taking his sweet time. he was slowly unpacking all his clothes with one hand, tossing everything onto his bed, his other hand holding his phone, scrolling through reels.

you sighed, drumming your fingers against the bed frame with anticipation, "you're such an ipad kid."

terushima didn't bother looking up from his phone, but his nose scrunched at your comment, "we have two whole weeks here. calm down."

you stared up at the bed above you, which was actually yours since you and your brother were forced to share a bed for this trip. you messed with the sheets that creeped between the wooden frames of your bed.

"yeah," you whined, "but i wanna see everything now!"

your brother ignored your complaints though, maybe even going a little slower now. terushima continued to carelessly toss his clothes onto you, earning a subtle smile from you until he tossed some boxers.

you quickly scrambled off his bed, a scowl spreading across your face again, "ew! yuji!"

"whaat?" he laughed, throwing another pair of his undergarments your way again, "they're clean!"

"i don't care!" you threw it back at him, forcing another laugh out of him.

eventually he finished, leaving his bed an absolute mess of shirts, jeans, socks, and gross undergarments.

"okay, there. you still wanna go?" terushima slipped his phone into his pocket, zipping it up his suitcase, despite the fact that he still had a mess of other essentials in there.

it wasn't your problem though, so you quickly agreed.

"of course," you quickly made your way to the door, already turning the doorknob when your mom interrupted you.

"seriously?" your mom called from the bed, a look of irritation flashing across her face, "you made a mess!"

you winced, hastily slipping out the door in hopes she wouldn't call you back to help terushima. luckily for you, she didn't.

"i'll put it away when i'm back, mom! y/n wants to go explore."

you could hear your mom sigh, "you better, yuji. be safe."

your brother stepped out and closed the door behind him, a look of triumph spreading across his face as he held his hand up for you to high five him.

you rolled your eyes, but obliged, "you know you still have to clean that up."

"better later than now," he snickered, making you roll your eyes again. you had no idea how terushima could be so athletic, yet so lazy at the same time.

you made your way down the hallway, terushima following behind you. he would stop every now and then to try and peek into the peep hole like an idiot. you kept scolding him for it, but that never stopped him.

you eventually found the lobby down the long hallway of rooms. the ship hummed with chatter, the hardwood floor underneath you glowing under the soft light that led guest down narrow hallways and exceptionally bigger common areas.

you had no idea where you were going, you just walked around, terushima following blindly. you made your way up a spiraling staircase, the inside of the ship humming with music from nearby stores. it felt like a mini mall.

"they have everything in here," terushima commented, catching sight of a small pastry shop. you hummed in agreement, making a mental note to come here later and see what treats they had.

eventually you found a longer corridor, the open deck at the end of it. the warmth of the sun nipped at your skin, a waft of sea air and a mix of sunscreen and chlorine hitting you.

lounge chairs adorned the sleek wood floors, surrounding the pool that rested in the center of the deck. little puddles were scattered around the pool, and kids kept running by you, shrieking and laughing as they did.

"shit, this is nice," tershima said next to you, stretching his arms out, "and these girls are so.." he trailed off, catching the warning glare you were shooting him.

"so pretty!" he finished, earning an appreciative hum from you.

"good. it's gross when you call girls hot."

"but what if they are?"

"shut up, yuji," you mumbled disapprovingly, "girls prefer more respectful terms."

"damn, really?" terushima asked.

"yes, really," you let out an exasperated sigh, letting your eyes wander about the ship, surprised when you found there were more stairs that led you higher up onto the deck.

you and terushima explored for roughly an hour before deciding you would head back to the cabin. terushima raced you through the halls, laughing and pushing you over like there weren't other people around. you ran through the corridors with him, but pausing as you nearly tripped over someone.

"i'm so sorry!" you turned around briefly, facing the stranger.

as you turned back around to trail after your brother you suddenly bumped into someone else. you stumbled backwards, blinking up at the stranger. he was tall, very tall. a look of irritation and confusion distorted his features as he looked down at you.

you were embarrassed at the fact that you had to blurt out yet another apology, "i wasn't watching where i was going! i'm sorry."

the stranger raised a brow at you, a frown pulling at his lips. "clearly," he remarked, his cold eyes boring through you.

your mouth fell open at his snarky response. you were starting to feel a little self-conscious under his scrutinizing gaze. yeah, sure, you might be somewhat annoyed if someone bumped into you like that, but he was so snippy for some reason. it rubbed you the wrong way, but why fight with a stranger who you probably wont't see again? you could lose him on this cruise, right?

"i'll be more careful next time," you told him plainly, taking a few small steps back.

he offered a disinterested nod before walking past you. you scoffed as you watched him disappear into the crowd of people in the lobby.

"hey! i beat you! are you okay?" terushima had to run back to you, seeing as you weren't behind him anymore. your brother tried following your eyes to no avail. the stranger was gone.

"yeah, i'm fine. let's go tell mom and dad what we saw," you urged, making your way to your guys' cabin.

you had no idea that the little encounter with tsukishima was only the start of a very messy, and inconvenient fascination.


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