she takes care of your child while you're at work (requested)

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Ryujin opened her eyes upon hearing Iris calling out for you as she dragged her feet through the living room.

She looked around and saw your daughter standing nearby with her favorite plushie in her arms and her eyes so heavy she looked as if she was going to fall asleep right where she stood.

"Hey, honey. What's going on?"

"Where's mommy?"

"Your mom had to go to work," Ryujin said as she stretched her arms out. "But don't worry. I'm here to take care of you."

Iris smiled a little before dragging her little feet closer to Ryujin.

"Is there something you need, honey?"

Without another word, Iris hugged Ryujin and she could feel just how feverish she was.

"Oh, you're burning up," Ryujin said as she felt Iris's forehead. "You just wanted a hug, huh?"

Iris nodded and closed her eyes.

You and Ryujin have been together for a year and during that time, she has never seen Iris this unwell.

She's had her fair share of colds and stomach bugs since Ryujin first came around but this is different.

Your daughter has a bad case of the flu and she's only on day two of it, meaning that she has quite a few days to go before she'll get better.

You're pretty sure she got it from school since it's going around and as much as you wanted to stay home and take care of your daughter, you had to go in today because you were needed at work and you didn't want to risk losing your job.

It was a stressful morning as you hurried out the door, the only comfort you seemed to find was that Ryujin was going to be here to take care of Iris, and you knew she was in safe hands with her.

"How's your stomach feeling? Are you hungry?"

"A little."

"Would you like some soup?" Ryujin asked her and Iris nodded her head tiredly. "Do you want to go back up to bed and I'll bring it to you?"

Iris shook her head.

"No? You want to stay here with me?"

Iris nodded, making Ryujin smile a little.

"Okay. How about this? Before I make your soup, let's get you all cozy." She said before getting up.

Having Iris lay down at the other end of the sofa, Ryujin grabbed the blanket from the back of it and covered her up with it.

She grabbed the remote and turned on her favorite cartoon before kissing Iris's head softly.

"I will be right back. If you need anything, I'm just in the kitchen."

"Okay, Mom,"

Ryujin left the room and as she did so, she turned back to see Iris drifting off to sleep.

She quietly cooked up a can of soup, hoping that it wouldn't be too much for her small sensitive stomach to handle.

As she heated it, she felt her phone vibrate in the pocket of her sweats and she grabbed it to see that you had texted her.

"Is Iris okay?" You texted.

"She's okay. She just woke up and she's a little hungry so I'm making her some soup. I'll let you know if she holds it down or not. Don't worry too much. Your girls are okay. Lots of love." She added a couple of emojis before sending the text off to you.

Pulling the pan off the stove, she poured the soup into it and grabbed some crackers and juice before carrying it all into the living room.

"Here we go, honey," She whispered upon seeing Iris lift her head from the pillow. "I got you some soup, some crackers, and some juice."

She sat down on the sofa beside her with the bowl of soup in her hands and she blew on it before putting the spoon to Iris's mouth, making sure she ate the food On it.

"There we go," Ryujin whispered as she fed her.

But it didn't take very long before her sensitive stomach started to turn and she pushed the spoon away with a whine and a shake of her head.

"Honey, you haven't eaten much of it. Aren't you hungry?"

Iris shook her head.

"You feel sick again?"

"Yeah," Iris answered quietly.

Getting up, Ryujin grabbed the empty trash can from near the sofa and put it down in front of Iris.

It was only a moment later when she threw up again and it broke Ryujin's heart to see.

"It's okay." She soothed. "You're alright, honey."

Thankfully, it didn't last too long and Iris put her little head back on the pillow with a sniffle.

"Do you want some crackers?"

"No," Iris whined.

"Do you just want to go to sleep?"

Iris rubbed her tired eyes and nodded.

"Okay. That's alright." Ryujin whispered before grabbing the cup of juice from the table. "Can you take a few sips of this before you do?"

Iris took a few sips from the straw inside the cup before Ryujin placed it back on the table and felt her forehead.

"Get some sleep, honey. It's okay. Your mom will be home in a couple of hours and until then, I'm here to take care of you."

As Iris drifted off to sleep, Ryujin watched her closely and soothed her to sleep as she shivered from the chills running along her body.

It broke Ryujin's heart to see her this way.

Iris is practically her little girl too at this point and she adores her.

So to see her so miserable made her heart ache.

As she watched Iris fall asleep, she pulled out her phone and sent you another text.

"Mission unsuccessful. She threw up again. It didn't last too long though and she's already back asleep. She didn't eat much but I'm not surprised by that." She said.

She saw the bubbles appear as you began to type a reply out already.

"My poor girl. Tell her that I love her. Do you want me to come home?"

"I will, my love. I don't think you need to. She's sleeping and I can take care of her. As sad as it makes me to see her this way, I don't mind." She texted.

Ryujin watched your reply appear a moment later and it brought a smile to her face.

"You're a good mom. She adores you. I hate being away from her when she's sick but I know she's safe with you. Give her a hug and kiss for me. I should be off in about two hours but if you need anything, please text me and I can rush home if needed. I love you. Get a little rest if you need to as well."

"I love you too. Don't worry, angel, everything's fine. Take care and have a good rest of your day. You know I'll keep you updated if anything happens but we're okay for now, I promise." She assured with a kiss emoji before locking her phone and putting it aside.

She sat down on the other side of the couch and watched Iris sleep with heavy eyes.

You were both up most of the night last night taking care of her and as sick as she still is, Ryujin was thankful that Iris wasn't as sick now as she was then.

"Sweet dreams," Ryujin whispered and looked at the TV, deciding to fight the sleep and watch the cartoons she turned on for Iris instead.

She wanted to be right here in case Iris woke up and needed her for anything.

She promised you and herself that she was going to take good care of her today and she meant it wholeheartedly.

She would do whatever it took to make sure your little girl was better in no time and that she was here to care for her, no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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