Chapter 5

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        Cheers echoed throughout the crowded room as one specific table gambled over and over again, a competition of some sort. Hungover and broke citizens either cheered them on or simply stared at them in envy. Dice stared to, obviously for not that reason.

        Dice's eyes focused on the huge wad of cash lying in the middle of the table. Sure, Kingsley was already a rich fellow from working with The Devil, but he wouldn't mind getting more money. He also loved a nice gamble. King Dice smirked and strutted over, grabbing a pair of dice from his pocket.

     "How are we doing over here lads?" Dice asked. They glanced over and what looked like the leader raised an eyebrow. "Just fine. Why? You wanna challenge us?" Kingsley shrugged. "Oh I don't know… you fellows seem to know what you're doing," he said slyly. "Oh come on, we don't bite. We won't mind if you join," one of the other men piped up, grabbing his beverage. "It's on," King Dice declared, leaning against the table. The men grinned and exchanged looks.

     "Y'know, Dice is advanced. I don't think it's fair for one guy to go up against 'em," The leader hummed, making Dice narrow his eyes. "So what? I'll go easy on you." The man frowned. "Yeah, well, I think it would be fair, if it was all of us, against you, my dear manager," he advised, pointing at the dye. "Me? Against you all?" Dice exclaimed. "Yup," the man said, lighting a cigar and then putting it in his mouth. "Whaddya say? Take on the challenge? Or be a pussy?"

      Kingsley glared at him. "What do I get if I win?" He demanded. "The money, right? All of it." One of the other men spoke up. "You can have all of the money," The manager's eyes gleamed. "And," the lad started. "You'll be left alone." Dice raised an eyebrow. "Left alone? From whom? What is this, high school?" The men snickered before the head of the group responded. "From us. What we mean is… well let me put it this way," the man disclosed. "If we win, we get to keep our cash and we get to have sex with you. That's all."

     King Dice's eyes widened. "Uhm sorry fellas but-" he froze when he felt an arm snake around his waist. "Oh come on," one the guys said "pouting". "It would be such a shame to not go against the most experienced gambler!" Another man chimed in. "And, it would be a shame for a beautiful body to go to waste."

     "Now, now, lets not make our guest uncomfortable," the leader suggested. The other guy stepped away from Kingsley. Dice cleared his throat and smoothed down his suit. The men were good at making people feel uncomfortable. King Dice looked back at the leader. He sat in his chair patiently, waiting for the cube-headed fellow to answer. "Well? Whats it gonna be?  Dice thought for a moment before he responded. "It's on."

      The men cheered while Dice placed his pair of dye on the table. "Wait." The leader glared at Kingsley for a moment and then looked at his men. "William. Go over to Dice and stand next to 'em, just in case if he cheats." The man named William walked over and stood next to Dice. "And how do I know if you won't cheat?" The leader smiled. "I won't." King Dice rolled his eyes, but he wasn't worried. He knew he would probably win anyway.

     Watchful eyes paid close attention to the game, hardly even glancing at the bartender for more alcohol. Some citizens even started to place bets on who would win. The employees watched closely, keeping an eye on Kingsley, making sure he was doing well. The atmosphere was tense, waiting to see what would happen.

     One of the men dealt the cards and then they began. King Dice was in the lead for some time before the men started to catch up. Conversations were little, as both sides focused. Then, the leader made a move that made Dice stop in his tracks. He pondered, for there was no solution. None of his cards would work. William peeked at Dice's deck and winked at his boss. The leader smirked. "Looks like you might lose for the first time eh?" he said slyly. "Don't forget about our deal Dicey," King Dice cringed at the nickname. "Hah! How could I forget the deal that I made with these very fine gentleman!" he exclaimed. The leader grinned and shoved a hand down the front of his pants. Dice internally gagged.

     Now the men were bickering about who was going to have the privilege of fucking the manager first. Dice sighed and blinked his eyes rapidly in annoyance. He then slowly slid one of his hands up his sleeve, pretending he had an itch, but really, he had a whole stack of cards in his sleeve. King Dice was able to identify the cards by touch. Once he knew he found the right one, he quickly pulled it out and placed it in his deck behind another card, to make it seem like it was hidden from him and he didn't notice so it wouldn't seem suspicions when that card was suddenly in his deck.

     After a few more moments, the men finally stopped arguing. The leader glanced up at Dice from his seat and raised an eyebrow. "Hey. How about you put down your card now?" He said. Dice grinned as he picked up a card from his deck without breaking eye contact. "I shall now put down my card. I'm sure I'll lose," he said as he winked. The boss grinned. 

      King Dice slowly put his card down with his eyes closed. He heard people gasp around him. Kingsley grinned. He done it! He won! 

      But when he opened his eyes, he widened them in shock.

      Dice placed down the wrong card.

  Author's note: Hi, sorry this chapter is a bit shorter. I actually combined two chapters lol. Anyway, again, I feel like this isn't the best but it's better than what it used to be. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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