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Beat, beat, beat

My mind won't stop

Beat, beat, beat

My heart continues to throb

Gasp, gasp, gasp

Your lungs seem to strain for air

Gasp, gasp, gasp

Why does it feel like danger is always there?

Knock, knock, knock

Sweetie, can you let me in?

Knock, knock, knock

Why the hell do you keep lying?

Hush, hush, hush

A plea for stifled sobs

Hush, hush, hush

Don't let them see when they turn that door knob

Slam, slam, slam

You hear them talking about you angrily next door

Slam, slam, slam

They told you to open up, why the hell do they want more?

Slash, slash, slash

The tears trickle fast

Slash, slash, slash

How long will this pain last?

I was told good things never last

I was also told the pain would pass

But is that really true?

Because the pain of what could've been always hits me when I look at you

I was just searching for comfort that should be guaranteed

All I got was a shout about searching for greed

The greed of attention that was sorely craved

But it was only craved because it was never relayed

You saw the pain carved into my skin

You heard of the places my mind has been

When you found out, all you seemed to scream was liar

Gosh, I am so so tired.

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