Fears Held Down Deep

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I still hear their yells as I fall asleep

These tortured memories haven't stopped haunting me

Every flashback that ruin my day

And the nightmares chase sleep away

The shadows loom close, threatening to steal me from peace

A peace that ever since that moment I haven't been able to keep

I still see the person who stole everything

The person to which I owe nothing, yet they'll forever own me

They told me that overtime the nightmares would leave

They would finally let me rest without the fear I hold deep

The fear I constantly roll around in my mind

The one that does more than keep me up at night

Those dark waves linger in my head

The fears seem like water that I can't tread

People say, "Come on, it wasn't that bad."

They're unaware how close I was to dead

Trauma lingers like blood under a black light

Only disappearing with the power of hydrogen peroxide

Trauma doesn't leave with the simple wash of the brain

No, the counseling doesn't take away this pain

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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