🫀Oneshot: Will's Death

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Angst, Will is dying in Tartarus. Also Nico can shadow travel back to camp from Tartarus in this one. Why? Because I forgot he couldn't when I wrote this a while ago 😬


Third Person P.O.V:

Will collapses into Nico's arms, pushing them both to the ground of Tartarus. The blade is driven through his stomach and blood is pooling out, his golden hair is dimmer without the sun and his eyes are hooded.

"It's okay, rest Will." Nico whispers, holding the blond in his arms.

Will couldn't survive that sword, Nico knew it. At this point he'd have to keep Will calm.

"It hurts, Nico. Make it stop Nico." Will mutters, slowly swallowing.

"I know Will, I know. Rest sunshine."  Nico whispers, trying to keep his tears back.

"Im going to die. I don't want to leave you, I don't want to die." Will cry's, hugging Nico.

Both of the boys hands are covered with blood but they don't care. They hold onto each other both sobbing.

"Shh, don't talk. I know." Nico mutters, stroking Will's golden hair.

"I-I don't want to leave you..." Will whispers, his eyes closing.

Will takes a deep shaky breath and snuggles his head into Nico's chest.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine" Nico sings, stroking Will's hair as tears run down his cheeks.

"You make me happy when skies are grey," Nico continues.

Will's breathing slows down and Nico brushes a tear off his cheek.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you." Nico whispers, his voice cracking.

Will's heart beat slows and he starts to go limp.

"Please don't take my sunshine away." Nico sings, silent sobs raking his body.

Will's body shakes before stilling as he lets out his final breath. But Nico doesn't stop singing.

"The other night, dear as I lay sleeping. I dreamed I held you in my arms."

"When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken. So I hung my head and cried." Nico whispers, stopping his singing to sob.

Will's heart was no longer beating and his face was relaxed. He looked asleep and calm. The sight made Nico cry even more.

Nico screams, holding Will's head trying to wake him up.

"Get up Will! I need you to get up!" Nico shouts, sobbing.

But Will didn't get up, he didn't smile at Nico or hold his hand, or say something reassuring, he just laid there.

Nico gathers him self and slowly lets go of Will's hand to cry into his bloody palms. He summons up the energy to shadow travel and clutches Will. Quickly they're through the shadows and back at camp.

It was so bright here, nothing like Tartarus. Everyone was happy, and oblivious to the dead boy in Nico's arm. Nico squeezes Will's limp hand and legs out another sob.

What would Nico do without him?


476 words

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