XII. Chef-y

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"Absolutely not". Elijah shook his head for the umpteenth time. "Take it off".

Nadia resisted the urge to roll her eyes, pulling the tight fitting royal blue dress over her head. "It wasn't even that short, though. Besides, I'm wearing a coat over it".

"It was short enough". He stood up off the bed and walked toward her, wrapping her arms around her bare waist. "As much as I'm loving this mini fashion show, you've yet to tell me why you were trying on all these new clothes in the first place".

"I'm visiting my mum in New York really soon for the holidays, last year was dad's turn". Nadia leaned her head against his clothed chest, her fingers absentmindedly playing with the ends of his shirt. "She always feels the need to drag me to all these super extravagant parties when i see her. So, I'm going to need a lot of dresses".

She pulled away from him, neatly folding and tucking away the dress back in the shopping bag filled with many others.

"How soon is soon?" He made air quotes around the word, raising a brow at her questioningly.

"Um," Nadia drawled, looking a bit guilty. "Friday".

"As in three days from now?"

Nadia groaned, "i know, don't remind me. I've barely even started shopping for presents".

"Am i getting a present?"

She shrugged, giving him an innocent look. "Well, you'll just have to wait and see, won't you?" Nadia wrapped her arms around his torso, leaning her body against his. "Since I'm obviously not going to be here that day, any gift you're getting from me will be delivered to your door". She could practically see the smirk on his face at that comment, so she added: "Not saying i got you a present, but if i did, it'll be at your door Christmas morning".

"I'll be looking forward to my present then".

Nadia laughed. "Cocky much?"

"Maybe," he shrugged. "So, your dad lives here and your mum lives in New York. They're divorced, then?" Elijah asked.

"Actually, no". Nadia couldn't help but laugh a little, pulling away from him. "They're just taking a life-long break from each other," she quoted with a scoff, mocking her mothers tone.

Elijah stayed silent, watching her intensely.

"Anyway," she sighed, forcing a smile, and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "Enough about me. What about you, hm? Are you going back home for Christmas?"

He let out a humourless laugh. "Now, there's a joke".

"I'm guessing that's a no". Elijah nodded in response. "May i ask why?"

"Long story short, those fuckers can't stand the near sight of me and the feeling is mutual". Elijah picked up the shopping bag, giving all the clothes and undergarments a quick once over. "Yeah, you're definitely not wearing any of these. Especially since I'm not coming with".

"Was that you subtly asking for an invite?"

"No," he drawled. "But if it were, would your answer be yes?"

Nadia gave him an amused smile, "no". Elijah pouted playfully, making her roll her eyes at him. "Not that i don't want you to meet her," she assured. "It's just that i barely get to see her as it is. And, if you were to come with, the whole trip would revolve around questions about us".

"Like what?"

"Anything. How long have you two been together? Where did you meet? What are your intentions with my daughter?" Nadia mocked her mother's voice, mimicking a faux stern expression at the last part.

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