The Lost War

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In the Ice side of the island a dark, blue tower erupted from the ground and ice troops stormed out out of it's doors. On the fire side another tower emerged from the ground causing blazing fires to appear around it and it was creating fireproof troops. Fire and Ice troops flooding the island like a tsunami, it was a blood bath. The two Kings sat in their thrones waiting and waiting for good news. About twelve months after the war had started the fire had started to overtake and melt the ice. The Ice palace was the last of the Ice all of the troops and the king stood in fear in a frozen, cold place that could die at any moment. The Ice Palace began to thaw, but they ice troops prayers were answered a Ice God know as Frost swooped down and froze the land over again the ice was back and unbreakable. The Ice troops all ran into battle against The Fire and the two armies fought over the Island.


The Ice and Fire were still fighting after all this time just in the middle of space. A big piece of debris fell of the island part Ice and part Fire which intrigued almost the entire of the worlds population. After a while a brave, brave man named Jeff Decker signed a deal with space agency NASA which allowed him to go to explore space to find the unknown reality of the debris. About six days later he found the island but his rocket went up in flames and blew up.

"This is NASA Ground Crew, are you still alive?" A deep voice blared through his ear piece.

"This is Decker, I hear you loud and clear." He stated, "I am lost in space but I found where the debris came from."

"Where?" Asked The Ground Crew urgently

"A island where everyone is in consent war it's half fire half ice." He explained

"A crew are on there to pick you up now." Explained The Ground Crew

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