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"Jeff come in Jeff." Said The Ground Crew

There was no reply The Rescue Team reached Jeff's location but could not find him,

"Any sight of Jeff?" Asked The Ground crew.

"No sign." Stated The Rescue Team

The Ground Crew said, "Come in Rescue Team." There was no reply.

The Rescue team had jumped out of their rocket right as it blew up. They saw Jeff as they touched down onto the island which turned them into fire troops then Jeff go hit by a meteor. The meteor carried Jeff onto Earth and squished him his only remains were his red hat. The Ice started to melt again but also started to put out the fire The Fire and Ice Palace were the last two remains of The Island which later joined together. The Ice King jumped out of his throne when he saw The Fire King standing in front of him. They jumped towards each other but as The Ice King pushed The Fire King a portal opened. The Fire King vanished and The Ice KIng followed him into it they ended up strapped to a fire and ice throne each as a meteor smashed The Two Palaces destroying them both. A human like figure appeared in front of them both and said,

"You two have abused your powers to create and destroy and now The God of Darkness is coming to fight you both."

"WHAT?!" They both exclaimed in Union.

"I will merge you two into one being to reach full power and I will create one Island for you two to destroy this guy." The Figure stated.

"OK Then" Replied The God Of Ice

"By the way if this guy kills you he will consume your powers, He's already killed the other gods." The Figure Explained, "Win the fight everyone will be free but merged into one being."

Before they could ask anymore questions they were on an Island in front of The God Of Darkness and merged together. The Dark God tried to punch them but they somehow dogged it and then threw back a punch which knocked The Dark God backwards.

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