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italics - flashbacks


Cassandra sipped from her red solo cup and laughed along with her best friends. Alison was nowhere in sight, and everyone was enjoying themselves at the moment. She kept sneaking glances at Hanna, secretly hoping the blonde would return them. 

Unknowingly to her, Hanna was also looking at her and wishing that they were by themselves so she could talk to her about her recently discovered feelings. Over the course of the past months, Alison had been extra harsh to Hanna and constantly making comments about her weight and Cassandra wouldn't allow that. 

She would stick up for the blonde and reassure her that Alison was lying to make her feel worse about herself. That resulted in the duo becoming closer and even developing some strong feelings for one another. It was strange to Hanna because she had never thought of herself as anything other than straight and attracted to guys.

At first, she tried denying her constant heartache for the brunette and took it as a friend crush. Everyone had friend crushes, right? Nothing was weird about it. 

"Hey, are you good?" Emily whispered to the blonde, leaning over and giving her an anxious frown. "Yeah, just thinking." Hanna said, giving her a reassuring smile. She looked over at Cassandra and saw her playfully making fun of Spencer and her addiction to schoolwork.

"I mean, what happens if you get a 92 instead of a 100? Are you gonna go into cardiac arrest?" Cassandra teased, watching the perfectionist give her a mocking glare. "Very funny." Spencer fake laughed, getting the others to giggle.

Hanna blushed when Cassandra caught her staring at the brunette and gave her a big grin. Suddenly, the lights flickered off and Aria reached for the flashlight and clicked the on button. 

"Someone's out there." Aria stated, giving her friends a concerned face. The door opened on its own and the girls glanced around the room.  "Guys." Hanna mumbled, the five girls standing up and huddling together. 

Aria moved the bright light towards the door and then something flew at the window, breaking the glass loudly. They all gasped and continued forward. 

The silence was deafening as they reached the front, the windy night and cold rain making them shiver. 

"Gotcha!" Alison yelled, popping through the door with a grin as the girls screamed in response. 

"That's so not funny, Alison!" Spencer scolded as everyone laughed at the false scare. "I thought it was hilarious, girls."  she giggled and they all sat back down. "Did you all download the new Beyoncé?" Hanna asked.

"Not yet." Alison sighed. "I'm loving her new video." Emily smiled, hugging her knees to her chest. "Maybe a little too much, Em?" Alison snarked, Emily's face turning in a pout. She faked a laugh and Cassandra rubbed her leg comfortingly. 

"Your turn." Alison announced, handing the cup to Aria. The brunette with pink streaks in her hair took it and chugged it confidently. "Woah, Aria!"

"Take too much, and you'll tell us all your secrets." Spencer pointed out and Aria rolled her eyes. "Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close," Alison said, "Drink up." 

"Trying to get us drunk, Ali?" Cassandra smirked. "Only you, Cassie." She teased, passing another cup to the other brunette sister.

Thirty minutes passed by, and everyone was passed out besides Hanna and Cassandra. The blonde was petting Cassandra's hair quietly, thinking of how to share her emotions without getting rejected. The two enjoyed the calm moment before Hanna spoke up, "I've been feeling things lately, Cass. I don't know how to say it without seeming like an idiot." She whimpered, tears briming up her eyes out of nervousness. 

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