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"Morning." Aria hummed and took her seat in between Mike and Cassandra, happily taking the plate her father offered her. Cassandra waved her hand, silently telling her dad she didn't want breakfast. She never ate breakfast-- nor was she a morning person to begin with.

He set the scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and toast on the table and sat down, fixing his tie that loosened while making the breakfast foods. 

"Alright you can say it, dad has gotten the hang of this single parent thing." he said, waiting for the responses from his children. 

"Looks good." Aria smiled and nudged Mike, whose face was too busy being stuffed in the newspaper, most likely reading about lacrosse, versus paying attention to his dad. 

"Yeah." he reluctantly agreed. A minute passes and he returns to the article in front of him, making Cassandra roll her eyes. She wasn't at all surprised at his bratty behavior-- this was something normal for him. 

If he didn't know how to deal with his emotions, he just took it out with being rude to everyone around him. It made him a whole lot harder to deal with, hence why Cassandra had been keeping her distance from her family drama and focusing on A.

"Did you see mom last night?" Aria asked, taking a sip of her orange juice. Cassandra flicked her sister's earrings that were basically a big, blue feather that hung down to her neck. Cassandra laughed when Aria swatted her hand away. 

Usually, Cassandra adored her sister's fashion sense and loved the cute little outfits she had. But there was always a moment where she couldn't help but judge her choices. Big feathers as earrings weren't Cassandra's go to for jewelry. 

Or anyone's really. 

"Um, yes, I did." he finally responded. Mike lifted his face up from the newspaper, suddenly interested in the conversation. 

"How'd that go?"

Their father chewed the rest of his slightly overcooked eggs and sighed. "Well, what I thought was going to be a date with your mom turned into your mom telling me that she's dating other people."

"What?!" Mike scoffed, sharing a brief look with Cassandra before continuing, "And you're okay with that?" 

"It's not really my place to tell her that she can't." he shrugged, picking a cut-up strawberry with his fork. 

"That's just so you, dad." Mike aggressively threw the newspaper on the table. "You lie and cheat, but you draw the line at hypocrisy."

He angrily stood up and yanked his jacket, "Such a role model." 

"Mike!" Aria shouted, but it was too late. He already slammed the door shut in their faces. Cassandra watched her father with annoyance and slight pity. He caused all of this, and he won't even try to fix it. 

She wanted to deny it, but her brother was right. 

He sat there at took it all with no shame. It was embarrassing for her to see. Her mother didn't deserve that, and she didn't want to stand by any longer. 

"I'd usually defend you or mom, dad. But this time, Mike is right. You don't get to destroy our family and pretend like you're innocent in this." she scowled, ignoring Aria's disappointed head shake. 

She pulled her purse over her shoulder and left, deciding now was a perfect time to get to school. She just wanted to get away from everyone and listen to music in her car. 

Driving and listening to music had been therapeutic for her recently, it seemed as if they were the only times she would get a moment of peace and quiet. 

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | h. marinWhere stories live. Discover now