Episode XLII~ Boy Drama

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21st Century

New York

Her frame was tensed but her head remained high as she cross the corridors of main campus of the University for the first time after 2 months. Her face was stoic to reveal a single fragment of vehemence inside. Her spine was upright as if tied against an iron rod, whereas steps were slow and calculated. Today sneakers protected her feet from otherwise killer heels that she used to wear before the accident. Her hips didn't continue that confident sway. Anxiety rolled from her figure in tons and sweat covered her body like a thin sheath. The jacket she wore to complete the look and hide the bony figure, now suffocated her. Her brown orbs focused ahead, dodging the curious gaze of onlookers as she proceeded towards the locker section. She knew most of those glares weren't even for her but the mouthwatering specimens walking by her side. For the first time, Lauren felt small as she walks between Charlie and Alex.

The murmurs and giggles of shocked girls ranged as they processed the presence of two handsome figures of equal build and sex appeal. Their hungry eyes gawked audaciously and absorbed the sight of their squared shoulders and broad chest. The fitting t-shirts they opted for the day did little in consoling their tight and bulging muscles, a result of Alex's hard work and healthy diet. Lauren couldn't deny the fact that her once shy and nerdy Alex looked extravagant after replacing those darn glasses with a set of lenses. His blue eyes could be seen clearly and there was nothing to hide his awkwardness from the world. He also had his braces removed a week ago and looked charming whenever he smiles. Now his lips didn't hesitate or shied away to grin broadly and give the audience a look at those shiny white teeth. The high cheekbones and angular jaw dusted with light stubble looked so sexy. Lauren was sure that a huge proportion of girls must be undressing him mentally. Those greedy bitches will never learn. His raven locks were combed well but still a stubborn flick rebelled and grazed his forehead with every step. Lauren's eyebrows rose when she noticed a group of jocks staring at them in wonder. Their eyes appreciated this sudden transformation.

Charlie moved like a hunk, wiggling his eyebrows and fingers at the swooning girls making them sigh. Earlier, Lauren has strictly declined his proposal of accompanying them to college unless he was willing to dress casually, blending with the crowd. She was repulsed at the thought of darkly dressed guards following them around, raising suspicions of gossipmongers. It seems like Charlie has descended in his role of a fellow student well because he didn't restrict his flirty self to smirk at them and even threw one, the most beautiful of the horde a wink. She giggled with burning cheeks and hides her face behind those goldilocks. Lauren rolled her eyes at his antics and relief settled over her chest. At least Alex wasn't returning those gestures and was walking confidently, matching her pace. His eyes didn't skip from one face to another instead, they stayed focused ahead. Suddenly, his fingers curled around her elbow, and surprised, she stumbled in her steps. Facing him, she raised a brow in question but he shrugged before linking their arms and guiding her towards the two adjacent lockers standing at the end of the long row. If there was an ounce of doubt in her rebel heart regarding this new man, then it vanished in the next moment. Holding hands means many things, one of them being, he was with her. Unavailable for others. Did he know what she was thinking?

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