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We are in the middle of the forest. I haven’t met the king and the queen, yet, I don't know if I want to. I don't want to show off. They lent us a horse and I take a ride with Michael. He knows how to do horseback riding, he used to it in their province.

"That's right! Here" Brina stood under the tree "this place."

"That's right, the scenario." Michael-

"You remember? It was like-”


"Je ferais mieux d'y aller, avant d'être infecté par ta méchanceté. (I better go, before I get infected with your evilness.)" Conrrart holding the rope, he climbed towards the back of the horse

"Tu dois faire mieux. Je n'ai une mauvaise réputation que lorsque tu es devant moi. (You must better. I only get in a bad reputation when you're in front of me.)" Madeleine almost curse him front of his face.

"HAH!" Conrrart yelled at the horse then stomped on the side, by that it ran away.

It's been a few minutes, the princess just sitting on a big rock side of the tree, she thought of something. "That badass bastard." She complained

She climbed towards the branch of the tree, this is her hobby whenever she's bored and she is used of climbing but, "AHHHH!" She fell down suddenly when her feet step out of balance

There were hands that suddenly catched her just right at time, he caught her. "Toi (You)" She saw the face.

"Moi. (Me.)"

She didn't expect that. And wondered why. The princess stood upright and walked away from the prince's face

"Vous êtes encore là (You're still here,)" She unpleasantly looked at him

He grimaced "Quelle bêtise est-ce? (What stupidity is that?)"

"Shut up."

"You shut up and come with me-" Conrrart took Madeleine's hand, Madeleine took it away

"And why? No.” She huffed



"It says yes."

They firmly said every words

“Why did you come back-”

"I didn't leave." Conrrart's voice sounds like a yelled

"Why? Do you feel guilty? So you come back”

“No.” It was a unwanted answer. But he felt mad because of her "Je suis revenu parce que tu es un problème- (I came back because you're a trouble-)"


Brina and Michael's hands were holding EACH OTHER while they didn't realize it

"That's it!"

They let go

"Yes. I remember" Michael answered. Brina swept away, continued to walk. Michael was behind of her

"They did not like each other,"

"They are already betrothed to one another. Where you haven't been born yet- I mean" He shook "Madeleine."

"And! I don't know much more about her. Wait, you are blooded by french ancestors don't you? How about..."


"If you are related to one, you know, maybe one of your ancestors has a royal blood"

“What the- your imagining wild things. Chill okay?”

"But it makes sense"

"I don't know," He shrugs. Something appeared in his mind "Uh! I have a solution."

"What?" She listens carefully

"Let's... Let's be in love." He seriously said

“Are you ser-”

“Wait. We need to pretend, to survive in this... This dream.”

"I know... but, it's hard"

"Because? Because, because we don't love each other?"

They looked each other. Each other's gaze.

Ever since, she wasn't sure. She doesn't know if he ever saw her more than a friend. Even before.

{It's hard to tell. He's hard to read} Brina-

Brina fell for him but not in a way she pursues that feeling. She forgot to love him romantically when she realized. She wanted something, something else that Michael couldn't give it to her.

Michael never admitted anything. Even to himself. Not until he felt it. He forgot to admit it, so sometimes even he. didn't realize things that he made. That it shows. That she was important to him. He is afraid to show that she is important. And he once get hurt when because of her, that she had someone she called a boyfriend. He chose to forget that love. To be crazy. And her. But he continued to be there for her

{Did you ever realize that I like your laughs?} Michael-

{Did you ever realize that I like your laughs?} Michael-

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