yulden fluff

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(Takes place at Aidens apartment)

Aidens pov:
I invited Yul over to my house. We've been together for a year now. Today, it's his birthday and I wanted to suprise him. I got him a big teddy bear and a necklace with his and my initials.

He honestly has been under a lot of stress due to work and multiple tours, so I hope this will calm him down.

The doorbell rang. I ran towards the door and opened it.

Yul was standing there, tears in his eyes. He straight up hugged me.

"This has been the worst week ever, and I am crying on my own birthday. ugh, I hate this."

"Hey hey, calm down, come in, darling."

He sits down on the couch while I get him hot chocolate. "Here you go, drink it."

"Thanks, love."

"Hey, I also got you a birthday present."

"Can I see it."

"Just wait, not yet."

I grab some strawberries and other snacks and place them on the table.

"Go eat something first."

"Mhm, okay." He gets some snacks from the table and sits down.

"Are you ready for your present?"


"So you have to open the big one up first and then the smaller one."

"Mhm, okay."

He opens the big present to see the teddybear I got him

"It's so cute!" he smiles

"I know, it reminded me of you." I say. "Now open your next present."

He opens it and sees the necklace I bought him.

"THAT'S SO AMAZING." He screams.

I smile and him and give him a kiss. "I know you would like it."

"Thanks, darling."

As for the rest of the day, I kept spoiling him. God, I love him so much.


Tebby bear:

The necklace:

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The necklace:


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Sander, 299 words.

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