Jam angst/fluff

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(3 chapters in a day? I'm feeding yall. Anyways, this takes place in All Stars)

It's been 2 years since I talked to Tom. He kissed Aiden in front of me. I feel horrible and haven't slept well for days. It's gotten so bad to the point others have noticed, too.

I just want to talk with Tom. I still love him. He's  already replaced me.

Ashley walked up to me.
"Hey Jake, you don't look very good. Is it about Tom?"

I nod. "I just want to talk to him, but clearly, he doesn't want to."
"Oh, I know how hard that is." She hugs me.

At this point, I'm trying to hold back my tears. Of course, Ashley notices this. "Oh, just let it all out, It will be fine."

Nobody's pov:

Little did they know Aiden was watching them from afar. He didn't exactly know how bad Jake felt, but he could relate to it someway. His relationship with James wasn't the best at the start, too.

He decides to walk up to Jake and Ashley.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Why are you here?" Jake asks.

"Well, I just wanted to apologize on my behalf. I didn't want to kiss Tom. It was for the challenge, and even if I know that James doesn't care that much, I still feel like he's not gonna be happy."

"Oh wow, thank you."

"No problem, you should talk to Tom. when he talks to me, the only thing he talks about is how he misses you."

"Thanks, Aiden." Jake hugs him.

Aiden leaves.

Jake's pov:

I decided to text Tom, I know it sounds stupid, but I feel like it is the easiest way.

In chat:
Jake: Hey, Tom.
we should talk.

Tom: Meet me at the lake.

Jake: Okay.

At the lake, Jakes pov:
"Hey, Tom."

"Hey Jake."

"So, I just wanted to apologize for being so stupid and thinking you actually liked Aiden. It's just.. I'm still in love with you."

"Jake, you have nothing to apologize for. I should be the one apologizing. Listen, I have treated you so bad these last two years. I just didn't know how to handle all the emotions and-"

I cut Tom off by kissing him.

"Oh shit, I am so sorry."

"It's fine, I've missed you."

He kisses me, and I kiss him back.

"I love you, I don't want to lose you."

"Me too, Jake."


Screaming and crying, I love them sm 😭😭

- Sander, 421 words.

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